Final South Dakota tribe bans Governor Noem

I probably will be called a traitor by my own people for saying this, but Governor Noem is right. Why are the 9 nations mad about Noam pointing out that the drug cartels are doing business with most of them? Its actually true and Noem is also correct in pointing out that Tribal leaders are more interested in playing politics then actually solving the everyday problems that affect most people living on the reservations. High unemployment is a recipe for such unsavory things to happen to communities; like drug smuggling for the Mexican cartels.


I vaguely recall the Navajo tribal leader McDonald (I associated his name with an eatery, so I remember it) who was very corrupt and was associated with nepotism and other vices.

It was the relatively early days of the AIDS scare and some Hopis were laughing at some poor Navajo families who “applied” for AIDS. Yep, socialism is unhealthy for everybody.

Around that time, I drove through South D and decided to visit the tribal land and walked around. I was eating a bag of chips or something and a kid about 10 years old asked me what I was eating.

I felt very bad afterwards because I realized too late that he wanted to eat it too and I didn’t share it with him.

Most of them also will vote for Democrats which is a joke! Navajo in particular is extremely corrupt when it comes to leadership and the myriad of issues that affect that tribe is never ending.


Have you noticed in the past 9 years the so-called media never reports the crazy shit the elected dummycrats do BUT happen to make the GOP mishaps in a mini-series with 45 episodes !!!


The media is and has always been bought and paid for. Nothing to see here.


The free stuff and suppressed by vices has always been the reason they vote a certain way. Dependancy gets redundancy is a vicious circle.

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“The cartels are using the reservations to facilitate the spread of drugs throughout the Midwest,” The murderous illegal alien cartels are even recruiting tribal members to join in their criminal activities . The Governor’s Dog shooting is pale in comparison .

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That pretty much sums up what is closer to truth than anything I have heard so far!

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