Female World Champion Speaks Out – Stop The Trans Madness In Women’s Sports!

Finally someone is standing up and raising the issue that is insane to begin with about transgender (men) women competing in women’s sports that has been producing an unfair advantage!


Libs say they believe that gender is social, sex is biological.

And of course they are lying through their teeth because what do they claim should be used to determine where a person goes to perform the biological function of body waste elimination? That’s right … gender. And sports… the competition of one biological body against another. Same. Libs say gender should prevail.

But those activities are biological in nature.

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Yep! Same logic being used in almost all their arguments such as the so called Climate change hoax as another example!

Men sacrificing their penises and the $0.25 per hr wage gap to compete in women’s sport have nothing to lose, and women will be beaten (competitively and physically) very, very very badly.

And women should grow a pair bc men = women anyway.



For the life of me, I can’t figure out what kind of crap these morons are smoking. We’re DIFFERENT and THANK GOD we’re different.