Fearing violence, the RCMP are closely watching hateful online election

The RCMP are compiling daily threat reports on online hate targeting federal political leaders during this election campaign, fearing it could spill over into real-world violence, sources tell CBC News.

Government sources close to the file say there’s been an increase in online posts condoning violence during this campaign — and one of the investigators’ main areas of concern is the growing number of anti-immigration posts.

Oh - this must be after they went full gestapo on a reporter who was asking Trudeau questions…

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Shocker…liberals using the power of the state to enforce subjective thought crimes and stoke fear in the mind of the public.

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I wonder if this is the same event that Turdoo was attending because these were just posted earlier!



How to rig an election in Canada - Trudeau Edition:

:white_check_mark: $600M to Media
:white_check_mark: $7M to social media police
:white_check_mark: $4M to social media influencers
:white_check_mark: create debate commission
:white_check_mark: participate 2/5 debates
:white_check_mark: coffee with debate moderator
:white_check_mark: ban media who didn’t receive partial sum of $600M
:white_check_mark: use the RMCP to go after anyone who criticizes you online

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This is priceless! Just go read the thread on this! You simply can not make this stuff up!

Justin Trudeau shaming! :rofl::rofl: