Family breakdown

or simply the hood

No thanks.
DC is one. How pathetic can a country be.

No, but then again you’ve never had more than the most tangential passing relationship with anything remotely resembling facts.

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No, it’s just where, in terms of shear numbers, the greatest harm is done.

The greatest harm is you liberals mentally abusing children with your sick perverted homosexual and transgender agenda.

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He claimed “no divorces” in the black community. That’s false.

Its you who needs to stop trolling - yesterday in the space of 4hrs you posted in 24 different threads - the pure definition of trolling.
Hows the weather in Tel Aviv today.


I said “TOO OFTEN” there are no marriages; I never said no marriages. I’m sure there are marriages & divorces; and also ( easy to research ) black men who produce children & just ignore them or run for it. Happens in all cultures, but more prevalent in the black community.

That’s not trolling.

I know, I didn’t speak to that, I quoted your comment that there are “no divorces”.

Look at my thread on Tunguska explosion.
This guy constantly trolls me everywhere.
This website really needs good reviewing, instead of relying on dumb bots

Those were two selected words from a longer sentence in a longer post.

You’re being intellectually dishonest to distill his point to those two words.


Black people marry and divorce just like any other group…:man_shrugging:

Family is a married man and a married woman, married to each other, and children if they are so blessed.

■■■■ are not married, despite what any judge says.
Transgenders are just sick people.

End of discussion.

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Stalking now? …


Nah I couldn’t possibly compete with you Hasbara guys.

This has been going on for a long time
If you have time this is a must watch
Family breakdown is all about communism - and you know who invented communism/Bolshevism don’t you.

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All the concern about name calling and here you are calling me a member of a foreign agency engaged in deceptive practices. I do consider that an attack upon my integrity and loyalty to my country.

But you go ahead you fucking little prick because you are given special privilege by the stupid or naive mods here.

PS…someone needs to flag this in a hurry so that no one shits their pants over my free speech.

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Destruction of family is an agenda.
Destruction of nation states is an agenda.

Read it before jumping up and down screaming “antisemitism!”
When the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion were first discovered, Freemasons and Zionist ■■■■ everywhere screamed and complained that these 24 Protocols are a hoax, a forgery, even a blood taint against the ■■■■■ But then came the brutal and barbaric Communist Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and its captive republics, led by covert Masonic ■■■■ Lenin, Trotsky, Kaganovich, and others. The cruel and sinister crimes of the crypto-■■■ revolutionaries seemed to have jumped off the pages of the Protocols. The Red Terror, with its torturous massacres of innocent people, its monstrous gulag concentration camps, and the setting up of a ■■■■■■ dictatorship, also followed the agenda of the Protocols as did the persecution everywhere of Christians and churches. The entire world witnessed horrors that were a direct result of the heinous prescriptions laid out earlier in the Protocols. Find out how the Protocols are still being worked in our day and how our freedoms, even our very lives, are in jeopardy.
Our version of Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion contains:

  1. A foreword by Texe Marrs
  2. The International ■■■ by Henry Ford
  3. A preface by Victor Marsden
  4. An epilogue by Sergius Nilus
  5. Excerpts from Congressman Louis T. McFadden and many other After Notes.
  6. Our book has 304 pages
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I don’t want ANY of your posts hidden/deleted or flagged and totally support your free speech - in fact the more you post the better - you and your Hasbara mates are doing wonders for my arguments and profile.

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