Jose Vega an independent Journalist crashes a free speech/Press event where executives were holding a open forum to discuss topics on free speech. What happens next is not what they were expecting! This moment was beautiful to watch as he tore into executives of the New York Times, Washington Post about their inaccuracies of stories that weren’t true, or ignoring stories altogether to which he calls out their credentials failing to the point no one believes their brand any longer.
More on this story at a later time! Enjoy!
That was f***ing awesome!
What Vega is wrong about is the fact that the NYT and WP are not there to spread truth.
They are there to deceive the sheep.
No wonder NYT came up with the fake, ridiculous story about a yacht and six men and a woman managing to destroy the pipeline at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.
Yep, the sheep can choose between the BS by NYT and another spin by WP
I think Vega was there to spread the Truth and that was the entire point. We already know they deceive, they just need to be confronted about it.
If the press “pretends” to criticize the government, the press is playing the controlled opposition. Then the sheep get the impression that there’s freedom of speech.
Interesting tweet from Vega!
Tragedy of Russia (and Ukraine) was that Stalin was a worse murderer.
You touched upon it earlier on the murderous actions of the Bolshevik’s and Stalin was that movements defacto leader after Lenin.
All leaders of the Soviet Union and Russia in the 20th century after the Revolution, including corrupt Boris Yeltsin (or Baruch Elia), were Jooish, with the sole exception of Gorbachev (who I heard descended from the Habsburgs).
Catherine the Great was German
Alexander the Great was not Greek,
Napoleon was not French,
Adolf Hitler was not German,
Lawrence of Arabia was not Arabian LOL
Oh then all of history is one giant story book and none of it is true! Lol!