Ex-Russian Space Boss Finds 'No Proof' Americans Landed On Moon In 1969

Another conspiracy topic that is sure to ruffle and rankle some dogma US feathers.

I am almost sure with this statement that the Russian’s are trolling some Americans right now in order to make media talking points more effective and misdirection is the name of the game.

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He is right isn’t he? Is there proof? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Bill Cooper writes in his book that when JFK declared in 1961 that the US would send a man to the moon within the 60’s, there was a joint US-USSR (then Russia) moon base already completed.

Either JFK was not aware of the secret space program or he was forced to play the “agenda.” There were clearances at Area 51, for example, that even Presidents could not get, according to some conspiracy theorists.

The Russian boss is trolling us, probably. He would know.

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That is the first thing that entered my thoughts when reading this story.

There are many as in cult believers that the entire moon and Apollo program was a staged hoax.

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The Apollo program was a hoax. There was anti-gravity technology already in the 1930s which permitted the Nazi Germans to travel to the moon as well as to Mars.

This technology allowed them to build UFOs but they could not arm the aircraft with laser, so they fitted conventional guns on them. However, by the time the Americans conducted Operation Highjump to invade the nazi base in the Antarctica, the Germans had the fighting UFO with laser guns ready which decimated the American ships and aircraft.

It reminds me of a documentary I watched a while ago about this guy who made the documentary interviewing people who were ordered to stay silent on some Government secret program on a UFO they built. The film maker died of cancer after he completed the film

There’s no flag and other toys they left behind. A valid point.
If you want them, look for them in a studio somewhere in Nevada. I heard the studio was a hangar in a military base.

Just look at this photo below, allegedly taken on the moon. Some spots are brighter, like the right side of the “astronaut” or actor. The sunshine doesn’t do that. Also, look at the rock on the top, left corner. Why is it shining, if the sunshine is hitting it from above? (Only a very powerful searchlight does it)

This is leading me to recall this movie

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I loved the scene where the old biplane pilot sprayed insecticide on the chasing helicopters.

Ahh! I forgot about that scene. This was such a thought provoking movie! I think its in public domain now and can watch it on Youtube.