Eviction Enforcement to Begin in Some Areas of the US Next Week

Quite so. I just read an article the other day that funds are ready to go for real estate investment firms to rock and roll.

It’s how things work.

I learned in 2008 from other’s mistakes.

I’ve been saving like crazy so I can buy commercial property and build a new building for my business. I’m not there yet. Nor are the values where I want them to be. The only thing I’d use a bank for is any cost overrun which always is a factor.

You can only prepare for known threats.

Nobody even six months ago could have anticipated the gov’t doing what was done here.

I don’t look for gov’t to protect people from bad decisions nor to bail them out when their own choices lead to failure.

When however the gov’t is the problem, it’s the responsibility of gov’t to correct the problem because there is no private sector ability to do so.

What’s been done to these small businesses is an unlawful taking for which they are due compensation.

The gov’t literally shut down capitalism.

Capitalism cannot be shut down forever. As long as we hold to our Constitution, and train our youngsters to value its tenents, the system will readjust.

Creative destruction results from many sources and replenishes the well of freedom.

This soon will pass and lessons will be learned.

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You’d better take a good long, hard look at our economy.

Even in good times about 45% of our GDP is state and federal spending.

You do not rent property to people as Government may step in and change your contract with your renters.

Perhaps you can be as rude so I can report you to the moderators

In the past we have had serious issues with viruses and never has government over reached to this extent.

The coming days should be interesting as people later up and sue governments across the country.

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Just about everyone in the country not on welfare has standing so this could easily become the biggest class action lawsuit in world history before it’s done.

Courts have rejected numerous lawsuits demanding just compensation under the “takings clause” of the Fifth Amendment for various reasons: the harm is temporary; the damage is as yet speculative, and so the cases are premature; or the losses fall within health-and-safety exceptions to the takings clause and do not require compensation.

Most courts sustaining the lockdowns do so with a citation to Jacobson v. Massachusetts , the 1905 U.S. Supreme Court case upholding compulsory vaccination. But in that case, the court also stated that a community’s power to “protect itself against an epidemic” might be exercised “in such an arbitrary, unreasonable manner, or might go so far beyond what was reasonably required for the safety of the public, as to authorize or compel the courts to interfere for the protection of such persons.

The party is bout to begin.

Stay tuned for the eviction crisis… millions of people have lost their source of income due to the virus quarantine and the burning and looting of the United States. The Bolsheviks plan is unfolding. Soon the renters will be evicted and many homeowners unable to afford payments will be foreclosed upon and evicted. This is similar to what happened after the Bolsheviks takeover in Russia in 1917. The money cartel is amused and entertained… the peasants are revolting…

Millions may lose their homes because states coped businesses

A bit of clarity needed