Oh, no bitching here my good man! Like I said, I’m pleased the author chose the path of full on admitting any talk of morality means dick to him, and that he’s pleased with Trump so much he’s devoted to him utterly. That sort of honesty is rare for either side, but especially Trumpists.
There is no alternative solution - Trump is president, and we’re screwed. I sincerely doubt any candidate could reverse Trump’s damage, or would even want to once they held the reins of power. A lasting and transformative solution would require a collective change in perspective - a wholesale rejection of the cult of celebrity, worship of wealth, and suspicion of education/reason that Trump exploited to win the White House in the first place. We’re not there yet as a nation, and likely won’t be before it’s too late. And I include myself in that equation - I’m no more woke than the next anonymous schlub ranting online.
Ok dude… let’s see some evidence that came into the oval office. There are thousands of haters gathering up anything they can against Trump. You should have no difficulty.
Do you have a pathological aversion to answer questions and having straight forward discussions? You are stating opinions with a sense of over generalizing issues with no real concrete definitions of them.
If you believe in all of these things, do you think voting for Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton would address all your grievances? In my view, the person who has the most convincing argument on why their policies will work wins the White House, If you can’t or refuse to do that, then yes you lose!
To answer that I refer you back to my previous comment:
There is no alternative solution - Trump is president, and we’re screwed. I sincerely doubt any candidate could reverse Trump’s damage, or would even want to once they held the reins of power. A lasting and transformative solution would require a collective change in perspective - a wholesale rejection of the cult of celebrity, worship of wealth, and suspicion of education/reason that Trump exploited to win the White House in the first place. We’re not there yet as a nation, and likely won’t be before it’s too late.
Like I said before you have no definitive explanation for your grievances and you are just bitching nothing else! Unless you can provide more context and specifics then your not really contributing to a constructive dialogue here, so I will defer! Your cynicism is your predecessor, good on ya!
It doesn’t matter who we vote for because as demonstrated even someone who wasn’t part of “the Establishment” becomes tainted by “the Establishment” shortly after they’re elected. Combine that with the fact that these assholes will tell you anything they think you want to hear in order to get elected.
The only way to fix the system which is completely and irreparably broken at this point is to tear the whole damn thing down and start over. That won’t ever happen though because it would require several things:
Politicians actually being held accountable for their actions. That includes being barred from public service if there is proof they’ve been “bought off” by special and/or foreign interests as well as term limits for ALL of them.
Voters actually researching their candidates and voting based on that research instead of party letter next to their name or simply name recognition without actually knowing the first thing about the candidate or how they will act/vote once in office. (That alone eliminates most candidates right there.) Also, the lesser of two evils is still evil.
Non voters actually giving a shit long enough to get their asses off the couch to get out to vote or better yet run for office themselves instead of just bitching about how bad things have gotten.
In short, apathy and ignorance have led us to where we are now along with the corruption rampant in government. And it’s going to keep getting worse for a long time before it gets any better.