Elon pending hostile take over of twitter. Welcome back trump! **UPDATE** no longer pending. It’s real

Time to bust out Bob Mueller to investigate Elon. Make sure and call him after nap time.


Monday will be fire works

I hope so…


Twitter employees won’t be sleeping well this weekend. Haha…

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Plan B is taking shape, looks like out side investments are stacking up. Stand by. I’ll let ya know

I just watched a panel of MSNBC talk about why we need to stop speech on social media then the black guy says we need to change America going forward. Lol omg…

Twitter will be removed from apple if Elon buys it, that’s the chatter I’m hearing.

Called it again…
also If you’re going to quote me on Twitter please use my name is spelled JITSS617

Now that the money is secured, the board could be facing huge back lash judiciously.

If Elon doesn’t get a decision from the board soon he can go past the board of directors and go directly to the shareholders to a vote… which would be interesting…

Apple will remove twitter app if Elon brings free speech back… the next move idk. Yet…

So Elon musk says he won’t allow Alex Jones back on Twitter who the fuck does that south African immigrant thinks he is coming into America telling us who can talk and who can’t.

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Elon is no better then then these left wingers who cancelled everyone on twitter. You either believe free speech is important or your don’t. You’re not the authority on free speech

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So trump is back because the great South African dictator is going to allow it… Lol fuck off

Speaking of hostile musk is now posting pics or Pepe and showing off his guns lol