Elizabeth Warren’s Tax Plan Would Bring Rates Over 100% for Some

And no one in the Democrat voter world will connect the dots between choosing her as their POTUS and the crisis that would come from not having enough workers serving the tax needs to pay all their entitlement needs.

Democrats are incapable of handling great power well.

I’m your huckleberry.

Rich people aren’t going anywhere? NY state’s millionaire’s tax was supposed to generate a bonanza of tax revenue. Instead, it sparked an exodus of wealth to low tax states like Texas and Florida. No surprise, the millionaires tax hasn’t produced anything close to projected revenues.

The most important source of corporate capital, the NYSE is not rooted in place. There are plenty of European and Asian countries eager to lure the center of the financial universe to their shores. The same competition is in play for other financial centers like the Chicago commodities exchange.

Targeting investors with punitive taxes like Warren wants to do provides strong incentive for the exchanges to look elsewhere for a base of operations and for investors to target investments in other countries. It’s a losing proposition.

It’s incredibly naive to assume wealthy people won’t minimize or avoid the exit tax altogether.

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How would Trump allow that if Elizabeth Warren were president? :man_shrugging:

Warren’s plan is not only blatant robbery it’s simply immoral!

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That is the honest truth! I know how it’s done, where certain loop holes currently are exploited where taxes are paid in minimum denominations as possible. Americans who are not self employed don’t have the same options due to their taxes being automatically deducted. The only exception is if you choose exempt or not have any deductions but can show another source of income such as a legit side business in which you can take advantage of certain rules such as allowable deductions to minimise your tax burden, but with the latter scenario one has to be careful and be appraised of what is permissible under the law!

It is literally impossible to tax a country into prosperity. Warren has the IQ of a doorknob. I could turn over a rock in my backyard, & find something living under it, with more intelligence.


She knows her political supporters!

Warren should set an example by having her and hubby’s tax returns prepared using the rules she proposes for so-called rich. You can bet the rest of us will be taxed using the same rules.

Don’t forget, election is in Nov. inauguration not until January - much can be done by executive order in 10 weeks…