I thought Trump was the one to do that, starting with ending useless wars in the ME.
Can you please kindly remind this poster that intentionally trying to derail threads is against the site rules. With all due respect!
Thanks, your professionalism is greatly appreciated!
Are we talking about Bernie Sanders and Omar. Ok, I guess I agree he’ll siphon votes.
[quote=“Dr_Manhattan, post:22, topic:5573, full:true”]
Can you please kindly remind @Dr_Manhattan that intentionally trying to derail threads and trolling is against the site rules. With all due respect!
Thanks, your professionalism is greatly appreciated!
Trolling is permitted here?
I just ran a search on this name and it’s a porn site for black men doing white women.
Is this indicative of your white supremacist leanings or just some strange psychosexual tendencies?
Warren is a policy wonk who puts policy before showing that it pencils out. The sooner she and Sanders are out the better.
Passive aggressive behavior showing again? Maybe you and Monte should wear lipstick and get a room! TROLL!