What people fail to recognize is that not everyone will be able to return to work as when business begins again it will not be at the same level. People will be behind on bills and the focus will not be on consuming.
May take a year to recover unless a democrat is elected in the WH and the country will likely enter a recession.
Wave 2? How about a resumption of infections as we hav not reached herd immunity. Possibilities a mutating virus becomes not as infectious.
When the economy is opened back up, EVERY working household will empty out. People will be glad as hell to show up for their jobs and they’ll be glad as hell to go out to a restaurant or a bar. They’ll have stimulus check money so they won’t be so far behind in the bills.
Unless President Trump does something stupid and doesn’t open the economy at all (and that’s not likely to happen) there will be no recession, the economy will be back at full force by September at the latest and Democrats will have to look to voter fraud in order to win elections and keep their jobs. They will not have anything to run on.
I totally agree! He has way too many problems. He doesn’t even know at times, where he even is. Imagine him in North Korea - and he thinks he is talking in South Korea? Lol (it was a point that I was making.)
For eight years, President Obama presided over the worst economic recovery in modern times. For six years, he blamed Republicans in Congress for thwarting his spending agenda and hampering growth. In his last two years in office, he claimed that 2% growth was the best we could hope for. And in his last year in office, while the economy was again stalling out, Obama claimed that Trump’s tax cuts and deregulation would only make things worse.
But now that we’re in the midst of a booming economy — which kicked in after Trump reversed almost all Obama’s economic policies — we’re supposed to believe that it’s Obama who deserves all the credit.
Yep. That’s precisely what Obama and his Amen Chorus in the press want us to believe.
Blockquote Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was a Kenyan senior governmental economist and the father of Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. He is a central figure of his son’s memoir, Dreams from My Father. Obama married in 1954 and had two children with his first wife, Kezia
3. The most recent labor participation rate was 62.7 percent, with slightly more than 94.5 million Americans out of the work force. Back in September, the participation rate was 62.3 percent–the lowest in nearly 40 years.
Obama’s defenders argue that this is due to a record number of people retiring. This ignores the following key fact:
4. The number of jobs created under the Obama economy has not kept up with the working age population. Obama and Clinton have claimed that there have been nearly 15 million jobs in the private sector created under Obama, and if that number is taken at face value, it doesn’t quite come close to the growth of the working age population of 15.8 million at around the same time frame. But the job gap is likely worse than that.
According to Investor’s Business Daily ‘s John Merline, Obama and Clinton’s 15 million jobs number is based on the number of jobs created since February 2010, when the economy was at “rock bottom.” However, Merline writes that the metric for job growth is normally determined from the previous “jobs peak,” which was in January 2008. From that point, there has been an estimated 5.6 million increase in private-sector jobs while the working age population increased by over 20 million–creating a job gap of more than 14 million.
Thanks to our Governor, she decided to close ALL restaurants here in parts of Michigan. Where I live, only Drive-thru. Not many people here don’t even have cars. And the inside are closed. So, some place won’t take “Take Outs”.
Some are even “going out of business” here, because, no one is buying.
One woman on Facebook was complaining about the usual, “How long this lockdown is going to be?” and “Why is Governor Whitmer doing this to us?”
All I told her was, “We could be in this for the remainder of the year - if she gets her way.” and “She does whatever she wants to do, after all, she is the Governor and she does what she wants to her state (of Michigan). Even if it pisst off most of her state.”
I spoke with my brother Saturday and he said he was on the way to the store, Krogers and was stopped by the police. They wanted to know where he was going and h said the store. Th informed him h passed it a mil back and he said he was going to Krogers. They said he could continue but in the future h should go to the closest store.
He told me he cannot purchase paint for the house, fertilizer for the lawn or gas in a container as they are not essential.
We had a father, mother, 2 children playing tether ball and someone called the police. The police arrived and told th family thy were not maintaining proper social distancing. The father said that this was his family. Th Policy cuffed him in front of the kids and put him in the car. Apparently thy called it in and had a heated discussion with the watch commander who told them to release the other which they did.
Unfortunately they were captured on the phon video. t was on the internet and the police issued an apology to the family ad the 2 policemen are being investigated. The video was removed from Youtube by management.