Eastern Michigan University: Non-Controversial Phrase Written on Free Speech Walls Causes Phony Leftist Outrage

“EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY - A controversial phrase was discovered on the free speech walls outside of Pray Harold on Thursday. The phrase, “It’s Okay to be White,” was written on both sides of each wall. The message was painted over a Nipsey Hussle tribute.”

Oh no! A message we don’t like was put on a free speech wall! We must take it down and find the culprit who expressed themselves on a tribute to a dead gangsta thug.

<don’t tell anyone>

I can’t wait for these snowflakes to enter the labor market and get their emotions completely crushed.

Some companies will coddle them. Sad but true.

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It’s very sad. I entered the corporate workforce in the 1980s. As a woman, if you showed any kind of sensitive emotion you were viewed as weak. You had to be all business all the time. There was nothing wrong with being happy or excited but you could never get overly emotional. I reached the executive level fairly quickly in the '90s. I’ve bounced back and forth as a consultant since leaving a permanent position to raise my kids, but I’ve always stayed current. My husband has been an executive since the '90s as well. These kids come in now and just make demands. I would be fine with that if their output justified it. 9/10 times it doesn’t. My husband doesn’t get involved with firings at his level but I do enjoy hearing about the young crybabies who get let go and what their reaction was. It’s the only way they are going to learn their behavior is not acceptable.