Donald Trump Jr Ends The "View's" Career

How Cow! I mean that expression as a dig to the women on the view who regularly suffer from the menopausal amnesia whose lies and double standards just got exposed in epic fashion by Donald Trump Jr. I have no idea how this show has survived for so long, and find it rather confounding to understand who are the people who continue to watch this crap! Hopefully as a result of Donald Trump Jr’s recent appearance that everyone is talking about in the wake of the destruction he left behind leaving the show in waste, that it will finally put out its sad misery!

Don’t take my word for it though as John Ward does more to accentuate the finer points on why this show not only sucks but exposes the liberal logic at work within a roast of delight!


Thanks for sharing that. I generally don’t like the play-by-play videos but that one was good. Trump Jr calling Behar out for blackface was AWESOME!

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Behar looks like Al Franken in a wig. Just sayin.

Behar’s stupidity knows no bounds. She constantly looks like a babboon that just smelled its own wet fart.

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The View is a scripted show designed to make the regulars look like quick-witted genii. They’re all given blue cards to read the script. The wit has been programmed ahead of time by writers.

Joy and Whoopi are both bone heads.


I very seldom watch the show,but do these BITCHES always interrupt and talk over every guest or only those that disagree with them???