Almost as reliable as the now daily barrage of “unnamed sources” reports.
Sounds like someone with Daddy issues whose Rejection is misplaced onto others!
Well, maybe now that NYSD is prosecuting Epstein, both pedos and rapists will be brought to justice…
Sarah Silverman is a filthy liberal/progressive pig.
Yeah…she needs to show Khazar Milkers or GTFO!
I have one question … where were the parents of those girls?
I’ve been asking the same question Samm and so far, crickets.
After the Kavanaugh hearing, I’m a great deal more skeptical of the timing of these accusations, especially when the accuser knows nothing can be done to her, or will even if proven a lie (ask Tawanna Brawley, or Jussie Smollett, or Christine Blasey Ford, or…). She said he said is only evidence to a Democrat who always believes women…
Facts really don’t matter anymore. Just make the accusation and nearly half the country accepts it as fact no matter how outrageous it is.
I don’t think the Trumper cares about that. With the embrace of trump, the GOP has proven that all their talk about the importance of character and integrity during the Clinton years was just that, opportunistic political talk.
That’s right. If we didnt care about the lies about Trump in 2016, 2017, and 2018, why the hell would we care about lies in 2019?