DOJ Will Not Charge Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe With a Damn Thing

What are you talking about? I never thought of you as being part of the base just a fair weathered fan!

With the abuse of Roger Stone by the FBI and its careerist prosecutors in the headlines, the public has been increasingly noticing that politically-motivated abuses like this are rampant. The FBI has been exposed as little more than a secret police agency. Just like the FBI has been using the criminal system to politically retaliate against Paul Manafort and Roger Stone for helping Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016, they have gone off the rails in their paranoid crusade to terrorize critics of permanent Washington’s increasingly unpopular state ideology.


I hope everyone is paying attention. The enemy we need to defeat is here at home: Our own complacency in the face of a corrupt bureaucracy that holds us hostage through our own decency.


Yeah - I’m still not speaking to more than half my family because I pushed so hard for Trump after he came down that escalator. Fuckem they were liberal cucks anyway. It took me a long time to realize and accept that we were played by Trump. But it’s pretty obvious if you remove your feelings from the equation and just use logic. He was the perfect con. By the time he leaves office white people will be a minority in America (I’m a mixed mutt and I view this as a very bad thing). Whites probably are now thanks to the sheer number of Illegals Trump has allowed in (plus 3.2 million legal citizenship approvals and counting).

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The literal only reason Donald Trump was elected was to build a wall and stop illegal immigration.
Prove me wrong.

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For three years, grifters inside the Trump Administration and the media (Sara Carter, Sean Hannity, Tom Fitton) have been laughing at retards who actually believe that there will be “arrests” of Democrats. Let’s say it did happen. What would it change? No Wall. Devalued US currency. More illegal aliens than ever before. Less deportations. Same endless wars going on. Tax cuts for the rich. No Healthcare reform.

No we won’t, Hispanics are about 90% Caucasian. A smaller percentage are black.

Don’t buy into the BS of the left trying to make Hispanics something else in an attempt to sow and spread division.

The wall is being built and illegal crossings are down by 75% since the peak about 18 months ago.

How’s ALL that “drainin’ the swamp” and “ownin’ the libs” working out fo ya?! :joy:

America is not a people - it’s just an idea. Like saving the freedom of foreign people who can be low wage scabs to keep pay for our middle class down. That’s who we are. Getting undercut by foreign slave labor is our value. That’s what makes America great.

I’m so tired of this drain the swamp mentality. What do you think will happen after all the Democrats are removed in DC (assuming they ever actually are).

I’ll tell you what will happen: Globalization will continue and it will be the fault of Republicans, like it always has been. They don’t really oppose it. This attack on Democrats is nothing but empty theater.

Conservatives are just the liberals of 5 years ago.

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“More than 7 out of 10 illegal immigrant families ordered to be deported have skipped their court dates and remain in the United States, according to federal statistics.”

So much winning. KAG.

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I’m sure you thought that made sense when you posted it but you missed by a mile.

What exactly do you think the administration can do to solve that?

Be specific.

I always knew you were full of shit , you felt the treatment of General Mike Flynn was appropriate , who was actually INNOCENT ! Roger Stone , because of his association with Trump gets 7-9 for lying to congress and fuckhead McCabe get NOTHING , NOTHING !!! lRick Gates gets was sentenced for lying to FBI , so is this your liberal justice phony ?
Barr has gone to the dark side , a FAKE dossier , a campaign illegally spied on , illegal warrants issued , impeachment horseshit , emollient lawsuits , on and on …… So we get Hillary NOT prosecuted , Brennan NOT prosecuted , Holder NOT prosecuted , Comey NOT prosecuted and McCabe walks FREE NO CHARGES ! I wonder did the $ 500,000 “donation” to HILLARY’S campaign by Mrs. McCabe play a role here ??? That liberal dummycrat swamp stinks so dam bad today .

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Because prosecutors simply did not ask the grand jury to return an indictment ,more stinky liberal swamp shit . Even YOU must admit he LIED AND LIED and if others were punished he should be too !!! McCabe of ALL people KNEW what lying can get you . WTF