DNC Orchestrated White House Whistleblower Complaint Relies on George Soros Funded Group šŸ¤£

Iā€™m good with anybody funding organizations that are doing gods work, sure. So should you. But we both know youā€™ll never research their work, youā€™ll just continue to demonize them based upon what some at FOX news are saying because itā€™s the red hatter that got busted this time. Thanks for making that clear.

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Godā€™s work? Oh that is rich coming from you. For someone who regularly attacks anyone for having beliefs in God that seems rather ironic on your part! All too funny, but then again its what we come to expect from the resident clown here.

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Perhaps multiple people are running that account.

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Little g god, not fairy tale godsā€¦:wink:

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Well certainly thereā€™s a few prostituting themselves, but perhaps they see the sinking shipā€¦:rofl::rofl:

Your characterization isnā€™t accurate at all. I think before you try to determine what the end game is for Soros, you must first understand the man. Best way to understand Soros is to categorize him as sociopathic misanthropist. He hates all human beings including his fellow ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  Disaster capitalism, creating crisis after another in order to exploit them, is not just a way for him to earn money, he enjoys the feeling of power to cause harm to others. He has told how he enjoyed the time he was helping nazis take the property of his fellow ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  It must be an added level satisfaction when he funds black lives matter and open border movement. To have gullible people thinking they are doing good doing harm to others must please sick mind like that greatly.

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But I never assumed an END GAME for Sorosā€¦:man_shrugging:

The thread isnā€™t a biography on Soros, so whatā€™s your point?

I understand that the red hatters donā€™t like Soros, thatā€™s fine, heā€™s but one donor to OCRRP. Are you unapproving of their work? Surely you oppose corruption. :man_shrugging: Maybe they have just offended your sensibilities because they exposed Donald Trumps corruption, I donā€™t know.

It appears this fake whistleblower saga will mimic the Kavanaugh hearings in regard to a string of ā€˜witnessesā€™ coming forward to promote the cause.

The fact that this second alleged whistleblower came forward only after the first fake whistleblower report got exposed as a group effort suggests to me that this is just more Democrat Party generated bullshit.
