Disturbing New Photos of US military Equipment Left Behind in Afghanistan

These new a dditional pictures showing US military equipment left behind by the US forces following the botched Afghanistan Withdrawal is lie throwing salt in an open wound.
The Taliban also in a statement said the Abu Dujana brigade of the Al-Badr Corps have already repaired over 300 military vehicles and now are ready for use.

So the next question is why do the Taliban continue to torment the US after such a generous gift? (No seriously)

I have to say, this ultimate humiliation for our military and towards our country that was orchestrated and planned for a very long time by Obama and his Soros led donors because they hate America is in some underhanded way the ultimate betrayal. America’s Mighty Military machine is probably never going to recover from this optic nor live it down as being the biggest embarrassment in military history. More than the Russians.

Some are not taking this well!

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The ultimate betrayal is from within.

Now this fking asshat is saying what?

The fk we didn’t! :rage: :rage: :rage: