Did Biden really say "The United States is just an idea"?

This is deep, if Biden video really said it.
I myself don’t want to watch the AI video.

Hmmm, maybe the US is just an idea to justify “Greater Israel.” This sounds, like the American people do not exist physically: An empty hull like Kamala Harris herself and this might explain why she should become President.

No… she should not become President.

The American people have only recently become an empty hull with the rise of wokeism.

An idea to justify ‘Greater Israel’? Is that what the founders were thinking??? I seriously doubt Israel was even a thought.


That’s what I’ve done. I ran for president four years ago because I believed, and still do, that the soul of America was at stake. The very nature of who we are was at stake and that’s still the case. America is an idea, an idea stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant.

I’m not a Constitutional scholar or anything, but the whole idea of the “Republic” is to run away — Strike that — to protect the new Republic from such Old World ideas.

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I don’t want to take the words of Biden, whether AI or not, out of the context, but the word should have been “ideal.”

According to Cambridge online dictionary, an ideal is:
a principle or a way of behaving that is of a very high standard

while an “idea” is just an understanding, thought, or picture in your mind


Beast for the Whore of Babylon

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Well there is where all the money resides , of course the “chosen ones” want us to believe that BS .

Possibly, but I’m sure there was no thought of Jews or Israel when the founders drew up the Constitution so, I seriously doubt that a “Greater Israel” was an idea/l when our Constitutional Republic was devised.