DeSantis pulls into tie with Trump’s favorables in new Poll

I’m one of the most cultured people on earth. I grew up in a major urban city after something called “white flight” I grew up with family members that grew up during the great depression in a major urban area, grew up poor used a decent public urban education to make it out of poverty. I know you hate proud Americans nationalist. You self identify as an Indian. If you want this land back come and take it.

What’s the matter lost your hair? Haha

One of the most cultured people he claims yet doesn’t understand the concept of a Multiculured society verses a cultured one. Right OK.

So now your black? More of inserted insults to prove what I have been saying is correct. That you are insecure and passive aggressive. Behavioral science 101, when a person is short on substance to put forth a cogent argument resorts to innuendos, name calling, or exhibiting childish behavior.

Again making up lies by asserting I hate proud Americans.

No I’m white, that pic is you. I found your ass.

Any ways I know the concept of a multicultural society and I know the results do you? :rofl:

Like I said you proved my point as being correct. You nothing more than a insecure immature sycophant who has to resort to childish tactics.

I had already made this very clear in a thread you created about “American Culture” Remember? Go ahead pull it up! I bet you don’t want to because you embarrassed yourself when you revealed the depth your true limited intellect.

I’m the foremost expert on multiculturalism in America how the hell can you tell me anything about it? My sister‘s Puerto Rican I went to school‘s 98% not white, my baseball teams were Spanish my football teams were black, I worked at intercity community centers. Ummmm Show me where you know more about multiculturalism than I do

Whatever man! You lied so much about yourself on this forum it is hard to believe anything you say here. I remember you once saying you were white, now you are saying you are Puerto Rican or part Puerto Rican. You tell so many lies here I can’t keep up. So you may think you understand Multiculturalism, but just because you went to a mostly black school or choose to like baseball, football teams with black athletes doesn’t qualify your understanding of the term multicuturalism itself and you certainly couldn’t have a intellectual conversation explaining it’s ideas on a academic level, or defending the idea of American culture as well, a thread topic that you yourself created mind you.

Yes. Is losing and making excuses the same as winning? If so, Hillary would be president for life.

Smells like “moral relativism” where everything can be questioned, is subjective, and can be anything you want. Sound familiar? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

A RINO… me? I don’t hate Trump. If he gets nominated I will vote him… a third time.

Yes, Biden is President. You, the country, the entire world knows he didn’t win.

Yes, and we all lost, the country has gone back to business as usual and we’re all fucked. The GOP will make a killing in November and nothing will change because they’re a bunch of cowardly weasels.

Trump killed the Clinton and Bush dynasties, but the deep state eventually won. The End.


100% !!! RON D 2024

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My sisters are PR, I’m white american, brother is Italian… I played on black football teams and all Spanish baseball teams silly

Foster sisters I assume then? Not blood related right? Nice of you to leave out such details.

And no there is nothing silly about what I stated, just because you claim to played on these teams (again hard to believe anything you say because of the amount of lies you tell here) doesn’t equate to you understanding what multiculturalism is by definition. I stand by what I said.

For now. Kennedy’s ghost is still lurking with all the other dead presidents taking a limo ride out of purgatory.

You said nothing … multiculturalism is horrible for any country period

Of course you would say that, you grasping academic concepts is not in your sphere of deep thinking. Its more or less meatloaf and cheese to you.

Thats right, go and show the world how insecure you are again by resorting to the same high school tactics! Someone has a fragile ego when they can’t put together an intelligent thought, yet again! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I am the foremost expert on culture in America how hell can you talk about someone’s Intelligence? Lol that’s like me walking up to a brain surgeon saying I don’t think you should put a incision in that area. Lol stay in your lane