Denver Votes To Decriminalize Magic Mushrooms

In stunning turnaround, final vote tallies showed voters approve of making psilocybin mushrooms a “lowest law enforcement priority”.

By Jean Lotus, Patch Staff | May 7, 2019 1:22 pm ET | Updated May 8, 2019 7:41 pm ET

Denver voters decided to decriminalize psilocybin-containing mushrooms on May 7. (U.S. DEA)

DENVER, CO –In final vote tallies, Denver voters appeared to approve to a ballot initiative decriminalizing the psychedelic party drug known as “magic mushrooms.”

Final unofficial vote totals released around 4:20 p.m. by the Denver Elections Division showed 89,320 votes for the measure and 87,341 votes against. Earlier vote totals released throughout Tuesday and Wednesday had shown the measure failing.

Denver backers of Initiated Ordinance 301, led by Kevin Matthews of Decriminalize Denver had campaigned on new psychiatric research in small trials showing psilocybin can be effective in decreasing opioid abuse and dependence, which federal health officials have said has reached epidemic levels. The National Institutes of Health has said the use of psilocybin is associated with reduced psychological distress and suicide in the United States.

“What we’ve accomplished in Denver is a clear signal for a broader conversation of psilocybin and its benefits,” Matthews said Wednesday.

The psychedelic drug is favored by Burning Man festival attendees and is at the center of new psychiatric science in the U.S. and Great Britain.


Some city leaders were squarely opposed to the Denver Psilocybin Mushroom Initiative.

Mayor Michael B. Hancock opposed the initiative, as did Denver District Attorney Beth McCann, who told the Denver Post, “Until we have had a longer period to learn more about the impact of marijuana legalization, I do not support the legalization of another federally-banned substance.”

Opponents of the measure call it “misguided” and “ahead of the science.”

Peter Droege, the marijuana and drug addiction policy fellow at the conservative Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University said, “Just turning this loose on the streets is the wrong approach,” in an interview with Colorado Public Radio.

Surpassing the cesspool called San fran.

Ok by me, government isn’t my mommy.

Yeah, you wouldn’t;t want to look at the implications to more drug use for the rest of the population.

Higher auto insurance rates that are already off the scale.

Higher health insurance as the idiots OD.

Lower revenue as people avoid the cesspool called Denver.

More homeless.

Yeah, let’s do more drugs in Colorado which has turned to a liberal shithole.

After all, it’s all about you.

Next up all EPA regulations overturned as government isn’t your mommy.

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Yes, it is all about me, I am the “I” in individual liberty. Should we ban guns because someone might commit a criminal act with one? Or should we just stick to punishing crimes? Want to ban alcohol next?

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Where do you draw the line with personal freedom impacting others around you.

In a society it is never about just you but also those around you.

I’m surprised your not screaming about your right to pollute being against the law.

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Maybe a good balance would be to decriminalize them but if you are caught in public under the influence of mind altering hallucinogenic drugs then you go to jail for 20 years at a minimum. This way the drugs you want legalized are available but if someone is under the influence and potentially creating a harmful situation for others then they get to pay a heavy price for abusing such freedom.

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As well as when the kiddies get into it, jail for 20 years.

How many alcoholics have lost their license and still drive drunk?

You cannot regulate into existence clean, responsible and healthy living.

Not without broader impacts on the lives of people who do not need to be nor should be regulated by the government. It is a slippery slope in a time when we are fighting tooth and nail against more government control over our lives.

If Denver turns into a cesspool because they legalized Magic Mushrooms then it is up to the voters to turn the tide if they don’t like it or want it.

You, I and anyone with half of a brain can see the long term negative ramifications of this. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

But, if that is what Denver wants then that is up to the voters.

A very sad state f affairs.

With the influx of liberals/progressives they hav brought their wishes and desires with them.

Unfortunately this is the direction the entire state has taken.

For me, onward to a better place as this is what the pool in the state want.


More appropriate

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Utter stupidity on their part.

We’ll all however bear the cost.

ER’s flooded with OD’s and particularly the uninsured who OD. Then the social welfare system completely overwhelmed with drug addled zombies and the children of the drug addled zombies.

No doubt, LouMan.

What an incredibly beautiful state. I’ve been there several times to snow ski (but never the pleasure of seeing it outside of snow ski season). I’m so sad to see it go this way.

I’m glad you’re getting out, but also sad that it had to come to that for you and no doubt, many others.

Eventually, all of this lib stuff will implode. It simply isn’t sustainable.

When it does you’ll see a complete meltdown throughout the country. When people become addicted to handouts and lose their work ethic they tend to react very badly when someone takes those freebies away.

The memes are great so far, that’s for sure.

Hmmm… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Because in the last shut down, who was it that didn’t get paid again? Oh, yeah. People who worked.

Who did get paid? Oh, yeah. Those on the government cheese.

Why? Because they will react…ummm… badly when their freebies are taken away.

We have some mixed up priorities in this county for sure.



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Damn traffic lights! The state telling you when to stop and when to go. State control! You cannot be trusted to decide for yourself!

I don’t think it’s fair to put magic mushrooms in the same category as other drugs. Psilocybin has numerous health benefits and has been known to even cure depression. It’s also impossible to get high off it constantly since your body builds up a tolerance to it very quickly, similar to LSD.