Dems remove POW/MIA flags and replace them with transgender flags!

Multiple Democratic lawmakers this week replaced POW/MIA flags outside their Capitol Hill offices with a Transgender Equality flags .

Anti- God , Anti – life , Anti –white , Anti- second Amendment , Anti- bible , Anti- family , Anti- tradition , anti –law enforcement , Anti –ICE , Anti- borders , Anti – Christians , Anti-■■■ , Anti- budgets , Anti-prosperity , Anti-death penalty , Anti- business , Anti-responsibility , Anti- military , how does anyone support them ?

If civil war breaks out, this is the soldier libs will rely on.

Private Bradley Manning.

It shows you the total lack of respect for the military, military personnel and those that have gone missing in the past.

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And what actually matters most with perverted dems !

A coward that jumps to the opposing side when the bullets fly ! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

No bullets flew. He just decided to have his penis removed. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Time was calling a man dickless was an insult:

… now they fly their flags to announce it.


And most wonder why insurance so high for workers , we get to pay for pervs to get it snipped . :rage:
Who else but the asswipe dems would reqiure insurance companies to cover sex change operations ?

Self inflicted cruel and unusual punishment. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving jerk.

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