It’s become a term for anyone who isn’t on board with mass migration of Muslims, who wants to not have international Federation, who doesn’t care for the man made climate shakedown and who isn’t some latter day version of Eco / Fascist / Socialist / Nondairy-Eating-Surrender Monkey.
This is the USA. We have mostly white people here. This is our nation. Yet, white nationalism is taboo and evil? What a strange time we live in. The brainwashing is real - it’s actually ok to be a white person.
We also have some black nationalists, some Asian nationalists, some Hispanic nationalists…
Any citizen that lives here and loves our constitution and our way of life is a US Nationalist. Many have died in wars defending our nation and democratic freedom around the world.
Too many are buying into this “white” thing. They are being sucked in by it just as the democrats planned. I almost see them rubbing their hands together in glee that it is working.
Americans are Americans no matter what color if they love our constitution and want to preserve our way of life. What would be best is to remember that and pull together rather than let the democratic hate machine pull us apart.