Democrats Attempt DC Statehood – House Passes Bill 232-180 Vote

What are the motives for supporting such a move by Democrats? Sundance from the “Last Refuge” shares his views. IMO, if this was even a issue, such as having representation the common sense thing to do is hand it (DC) over back to Maryland, not only would it be cost effective but would redress the issue of proper representation under statehood. Democrats of course are not for the common sense solution when political gamesmanship is a higher priority.

Washington DC was not established as a state for the exact reason why Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats are trying to gain statehood for Washington DC; absolute corruption and power, it’s a self-fulfilling proposition. Pelosi is now trying to cloud the latest effort under the false pretense of civil rights; but civil rights has nothing to do with it.


House Democrats Pass Bill to Make DC the 51st State

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Oh you know this moves makes these pricks filthy rich off our backs while the stupid fk sheep clap their hands sayin yaaaay



The bill is expected to die in the Senate, while Trump also opposes the move which would likely grant the new state two Democratic senators .

What will they name it CHOP SUEY ? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Marion Berryvania in his honor of fuking as many whites as possible.

This is nothing but an attempt to grab power and load up the house and senate with Democrats. While it’s newsworthy, it’s not something anyone should worry about since there’s not a cold chance in hell that this is ever going to pass the Senate. They can cry about racism and everything else but it has nothing to do with that. The founders specifically prohibited DC from becoming a state.

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Someone needs to walk them through the US Constiution.

DC cannot attain statehood without a Constitutional Amendment.

No it’s just another wedge issue. DC’s population is almost half black. The Constitution Forbids DC from being a part of any state or a state itself.

When that fact becomes widely known it will be deemed as “racist”.

Just one ore wedge issue to divide Americans going into the 2020 election cycle.

What do you think I just said?

The Founding Fathers decided that the new nation should have a permanent capital. But they were reluctant to give that much power to one single state. So they in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution that “The Congress shall have Power To exercise exclusive Legislation…over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may…become the Seat of the Government of the United States.”

The article also stated that this 100-mile district would come from land ceded by the states so that the new seat of government would be independent of any state.

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If the President of the United States, the most powerful position in government, is not permitted to serve longer than eight years…then neither should any congressman or senator.

So many of America’s problems would be attenuated by simply applying the same standard.

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The senate by design is supposed to span presidencies. It keeps the nation on a more even keep and prevents to a large extent changes from taking place so rapidly that the public revolts.

It also helps to ensure that neither branch can dominate the others.

This video covers a range of topics, but Cotton clearly outlines the democrats motives for wanting the city of DC to become a state.

Yow, the American Vatican.