Democrats Are Denying Basic Economics

That is a great line straight from the party.

Hardly the truth.

The democrats are the party of illegal immigration.
The disaster at the border is the results of Joe Bidens open border policy,
How does that help the middle class? By importing more entry level workers wage stagnation remains in place.

How does the current inflation benefit the middle class?

How does spending trillions on pet projects benefit the middle class?
No Dorthy the debt doesn’t come without consequences.

Fighting for lower healthcare costs, you have got to be kidding. The ACA is a very bad joke.


My God , those RATS have you totally bullshitted !!! :eyes:


In the Social Security Act of 1935 the income from the payroll tax was to be credited to a Social Security “account.” Benefits were to be paid against this account, but there was no formal trust fund as such. Taxes began to be collected in January 1937, and monthly benefits were to be paid starting in January 1942 (later pushed forward to January 1940). So the payroll taxes were just credits in the Social Security account on the Treasury’s ledger under the initial law.

The investment rules governing payroll tax income were also established in the 1935, and are essentially the same ones in use today. Specifically, the 1935 Act stated: “It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to invest such portion of the amounts credited to the Account as is not, in his judgment, required to meet current withdrawals. Such investment may be made only in interest-bearing obligations of the United States or in obligations guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States.” (See Title II, Section 201of the 1935 law)

In the 1939 Amendments, a formal trust fund was established and a requirement was put in place for annual reports on the actuarial status of the fund. Specifically, the law provided: “There is hereby created on the books of the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the ‘Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund’. . . . The Trust Fund shall consist of the securities held by the Secretary of the Treasury for the Old Age Reserve Account on the books of the Treasury on January 1, 1940, which securities and amount the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to transfer to the Trust Fund, and, in addition, such amounts as may be appropriated to the Trust Fund as herein under provided.” (Title II, Section 201a)

In other words, a formal trust fund was established for the Social Security program and the credits already on the Treasury’s books for the Social Security program were to be transferred to this Fund, along with all future revenues raised for the program.

The investment procedures adopted in 1939 were modified only slightly from those in the original Act of 1935. Basically, changes were made in the interest rate rules governing the investments, and the Managing Trustee was designated as the investing official (who happens to be the Secretary of the Treasury in any case), but in most other respects the language was similar to that in the original law. (See the text of the 1939 Amendments for more details.)

Both the 1935 and the 1939 laws specified three types of purchases that might be made: 1) securities on original issue at par; 2) by purchase of outstanding obligations at the market price; and 3) via the issuance of “special obligation bonds” that could be issued only to the Social Security Trust Fund. These special obligation bonds were not to be marketable, although the other two forms of securities could be. The idea of special obligation bonds was not new nor unique to the Social Security program. Similar bonds were used during World War I and World War II, and it was in fact the Second Liberty Bond Act that was the law amended in 1939 to allow the Social Security program to make use of this type of government bond.

Consequently, over time the Social Security Trust Funds have included a mix of marketable and non-marketable Treasury securities. Over the years, the proportion has shifted heavily in favor of special obligation bonds as the main asset held by the Social Security Trust Funds. Prior to 1960, the Treasury’s policy was to invest primarily in marketable securities, although this policy was not always followed. Since 1960, the policy has been to invest principally in special obligation bonds, unless the Managing Trustee of the funds (i.e., the Secretary of the Treasury) determines that investment in marketable securities would be “in the public interest.” In fact, since 1980 no marketable securities have been added to the Trust Funds. (For a more detailed explanation see the Office of the Actuary’s Actuarial Note #142.)

Since the assets in the Social Security trust funds consists of Treasury securities, this means that the taxes collected under the Social Security payroll tax are in effect being lent to the federal government to be expended for whatever present purposes the government requires. In this indirect sense, one could say that the Social Security trust funds are being spent for non-Social Security purposes. However, all this really means is that the trust funds hold their assets in the form of Treasury securities.

These financing procedures have not changed in any fundamental way since payroll taxes were first collected in 1937. What has changed, however, is the accounting procedures used in federal budgeting when it comes to the Social Security Trust Funds.

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They single handedly priced goods to record highs . The champions managed to raise taxes , destroyed our economy , put millions out of work and permanently close millions of US businesses . They allowed Cities to be looted and burned at taxpayer expense . They drove oil prices to record highs and made a Nation WEAK !
DemoRATS are taking away our Constitutional rights and the right to speak or choose what enters our body . # MY BODY, MY CHOICE !!! Fu@k your party and your braindead president !!!

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I’m afraid Fleming V. Nestor trumps that entire screed. Again, this is not my opinion. It is the opinion of the original administrators of Sosha Curity. They argued the WELFARE angle before the Supreme Court.

Trust fund?

There is no cash in the Social Security trust fund, and there never has been any.

The Social Security trust fund is merely an accounting device filled with IOUs that future taxpayers must repay. Far too soon, payroll taxes will be insufficient to pay all of the promised benefits. Unless Congress promptly takes action, taxpayers will have to pump hundreds of billions of additional tax dollars into Social Security to pay the promised benefits.

Like I said, if a life insurance company tried to run its annuity program with similar accounting practices (ZERO money in the account, just IOUs) it would be shut down by the government.

The Treasury both receives the payroll taxes (and income taxes that higher-income retirees pay on their Social Security benefits) and pays monthly benefits on behalf of the Social Security Administration (SSA). The money stays in the Treasury’s hands until it is either paid out as Social Security benefits or otherwise spent by the government. In fact, no money ever goes into the trust fund. Instead, the trust fund balance is the result of two accounting entries by the Treasury.

There has never been a Sosha Curity trust fund. It has always been designated as just another government spending program.

Again, not necessarily my opinion. I didn’t want to believe this either.
But facts are facts.

The facts are the trust fund is an illusion.

There is nothing but IOU’s payable by the current taxpayers and borrowing.

The day the money coming in exceeds the money going out begins the real party and the expansion of debt. Commonly referred to as unfunded liabilities just like medicare.

That is why it is a pay as you go system.

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Where is that money coming in ? SS recipients pay into the FUND , Where is that happening with welfare ? :clown_face:

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Taking from the working class and handing out free shit to illegals . Not many middleclass workers have $300 sneakers , free cell phone , rent subsidies , steaks for every meal , free daycare , free co-pays , free dental , free transportation , free college , new homes for $ 1 , etc. :clown_face:

The Dems being friends of the working class is PURE BS.iIf you believe throwing money at problems instead of solving them, is the answer. There is something seriously wrong with you thinking.
Dems policies are definitely Anti - working class
These snobbish elites look down on us untermenchen and occasionally throw us table scraps to foster the ILLUSION that they teally care.

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That’s great. How ya going to do it??? Most Republicans/Conservatives believe in the same thing… we just know that it comes at a cost to the same people you are trying to help. Nothing is free, there is always a price to pay.

That is why it’s considered an entitlement

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Yes there is and it ALWAYS ends up being the hard working taxpayer !! :nauseated_face:

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Yeah, they do care and are the responsible party for bringing to working Americans policies that protected them from predatory business during the industrialization and gilded ages….:wink:

40 hour work week
Federal minimum wage

Just to name a few….

Predatory businesses? Name one. Name a business (other that the dealer who sells you meth every day) that would be considered a predator.
40 hour week? Executives work 90 hour weeks, and you idiots ENVY their six figure salaries.
Federal minimum wage prices IDIOTS out of jobs.
The Democrats are responsible for the WORST economies this country has ever know. NO Democrat president (outside of JFK, who actually CUT TAXES) has EVER expanded an economy. From SCREW DEAL FDR to Jim Crow Joe, they ALL have brought nothing but unemployment, high taxes, inflation and general misery to America.

Only an uneducated total fcking MORON (or a few million copy machines) would ever vote for a Democrat.

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I thought they were giving you too much, which is it….:thinking:

Just to name a few, democrat policies today encourage jobs to be moved over seas.

You forgot Slavery
Radical redistribution of wealth.
gun control
higher taxes
higher prices
Iranian “nuclear deal”
endless wars
sanctuary cities
businesses closings
defunding police
climate-change and global warming

just to name a few …

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That’s pretty much the Democrat Party footprint on America. No wonder most of the country wants nothing to do with it.

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Money distribution will be the modern day chains that bind those poor souls . WELFARE