Biden is low-energy, even without the complete dogpiling he doesn’t show confidence as a leader. Stuttering, slurring, he sounds like a senile old man.
Is he just running for VP again?
Biden is low-energy, even without the complete dogpiling he doesn’t show confidence as a leader. Stuttering, slurring, he sounds like a senile old man.
Is he just running for VP again?
Why did DeBlasio blame feds for a NYPD internal investigation?
Kamala looks downtrodden. I think she knows she’s been spanked.
I’m glad Eric Garner got choked out and that the cop got off.
Yeah - why the hell are all of these candidates meeting with the mother of this dead criminal?
Damn - Tulsi is beating down Kamala Harris.
Go, Tulsi!..lay it on!
Tulsi is absolutely wrecking Racist Kamala.
The President’s racist rhetoric…?
A Democrat talking point! Mentioned first here tonight by the CNN lemon.
Senator Bennet, why are you a white male in 2019?
So - Don Lemon has declared the President to be racist and everyone piles on. This is nauseating.
Looks like the Dems are planning to run against racism and define Trump as the epitome of it.
What a bunch of frickin’ idiots!
I think I could just…
Hmm. I’m at a loss for words with what I would like to do to Gillibrand right now.
I’m amazed every time a bunch of politicians act like they understand energy and what it takes to do away with specific forms of it…and of course, how many years it takes to do so.
If we ban global warming we’ll end natural disasters.
Russians stopped black people from voting in Michigan.
Wow - that’s one hell of a delayed economic boom. Thanks, Obama!
The only thing women do is bitch talk and stare at their phones.
I kinda feel bad for Biden. I wouldn’t vote for him but this shit is ridiculous. The moderators are supposed to control the debate, not the candidates.