DELIBERATE DESTABILIZATION: DHS and ICE Flooding the United States with Illegal Aliens

Bullshit, we didn’t pass any limits or restrictions on immigration for a hundred years after the founding.

Yeah because you say it is right? I guess you want it to be easy for the government to fly around killing American citizens who cause problems…right, Rabbi?


It’s true because congress passed the legislation empowering the president to seek out and destroy AQ.

On US Soil? That would violate Possee Comitatus.

America was founded as White, Christian, English speaking country. It remained 90% White until the 1965 immigration laws kicked in. Sorry you have been lied to.

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Stop making stuff up. There wasn’t any specific legislation passed. Obama directed the CIA to carry out the mission. After they took him out of the game they went and took his 16-year-old kid out too…also an American citizen. Trump just sent people in to kill his 8-year-old daughter. Freedom.


No shit. That wasn’t the context of the conversation but I guess I need to spell everything out for you, huh Rabbi.

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Are you rewriting history now too? Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and that was almost immediately overruled by the Supreme Court. Guess what, habeas corpus stayed suspended throughout the Civil War.

Stop acting like you know it all because you obviously don’t.

Go ahead and tell us another lie.


The US hasn’t been 90% white since the 1950 census.

The first law passed to limit immigration was passed in 1875, the Coolie Act which made it illegal to import Chinese laborers.

Habeus corpus was suspended by a law passed by congress you idiot, not by executive order.

If you are truly this ignorant it must be by choice.

The AUMF passed by congress in 2002 uthorized the POTUS to use military force to seek out and destroy terrorists.

Neither Trump no anyone else has ever sent the US military out to target children.

Quit lying, it just shows your desperation.

You sure didn’t like it when Obama was cutting EO’s…:roll_eyes:

Obama’s EOs were often illegal…and he knew it. His DACA EO was illegal…and he knew it.

Do you not recall comments about him setting up shop to retain power?

EO’s that serve as a run around congress are considered to be illegal, when the other party does it. Both are hypocritical and out of control.:wink:

The EO’s Trump has signed that you want to bitch about were enacted specifically in accordance with US laws passed long before he ever came into office.

Quit whining and get some new material.

It’s good to know that government contractor leaches are going to get rich off America getting completely and totally BTFO eternally.

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Would you prefer they be force marched by the Border Patrol?

I think he just defends war. That’s what pro war Americans do. Doesn’t matter, Democrat or Republican. War is good. :roll_eyes:

Exactly…with regards to war, the US constitution simply isn’t followed anymore.

You’ve sure got that right…