Degeneracy! "At this point, What Are Conservatives Even Conserving?"

New piece by Paul Joseph Watson is a home Run and paints in poignant terms the demise of humanity with the over indulgence of substance and alcohol abuse. Oh and he was not especially kind to the Cucks in the UK for their habitual drinking problems as well. This video in a nutshell is exactly what is happening to modern day western society as we know it today!

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I am not sure if all of the information in this video is true. Has anybody got a source for the guy that cuts his hands off so he could pretend to be a horse?? And are abortion fetish really a thing???

As a Brit this video made me reevaluate my drinking habits

Actually all the information is true and accurate! PJW doesn’t post stuff that can not be verified and backed up with facts!

Wait for it, why it’s relevant to the topic won’t take long to appear: