Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE šŸ‡

Exactly - the whole reason for this fuckfest is to cover up the fact that the NHS is no longer fit for purpose.

Iā€™ve seen quite a few references recently to N/GESARA - Some are postulating that this is what Trump is implementing. Is this ā€˜ā€˜the resetā€™ā€™?

According to Charlie Ward who had direct contact with the Alliance and President Trump, on 24 Dec. Christmas Eve the US would receive an announcement about implementation of NESARA Law and the Global Currency Reset.

True meaning of anarchy - No rulers

ā€œI donā€™t hurt you, you donā€™t hurt me. I donā€™t steal from you, you donā€™t steal from me. I donā€™t kill you, you donā€™t kill me.ā€

The C19 vaccine was studied by military Intel before itā€™s release on Mon 14 Dec. Details were classified, but the vaccines were neutralized before distribution.

Trump and the White Hats have disabled the nefarious ingredients like Nanochips in the vaccines.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines also have, like other vaccines, aborted fetal tissue and HIV viral fragments that could infect recipients with HIV as reported by RFK @StuFX

To add more complexity to the trust issues we also have this and I believe this is advancing in leaps and bounds.

I donā€™t think it is the version of The Reset that Klaus Schwab has in mind.

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Iā€™ve come to the conclusion I donā€™t have a clue what is going on anymore(as if I ever did) Itā€™s all very interesting but weā€™ll probly never know the true story - so just get the popcorn out and watch it unfold.

I think our squad here are generally in the ball park and donā€™t do too bad with what we have at our disposal, spider senses, eyes and ears being our only tool kit.

I have been a bit obsessed this afternoon with this nurse in the US, it really doesnā€™t smell right to me at all. I donā€™t know if you have seen the video the hospital rolled out yesterday ? It was rather strange IMO.

err ā€¦ Christmas eve hasnā€™t happened yet

That is not anarchy, anarchy is ā€œI do what I want unless you are stronger than me in which case I hide or use sneaky methodsā€

That is horrendous, but at least I know what to look for now when watching a clip.

However ā€¦ give it a couple of years and you will not see the infractions.

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Ok, it was on mainstream TV (MSTV), but this evening there was a woman who had survived Covid-19 but who had lost the extremities of all her limbs. That is right, no hands and no lower legs.

She had an obvious positive mental attitude and that had carried her forward, but she did say that people shouldnā€™t take the Ronahoax lightly. I have heard other survivors say that too.

ā€¦ I suppose it could have been Deep-Fake


Error ? Should/shouldnā€™t

Was the ladyā€™s name Caroline ?

Thanks, amended accordingly.

Canā€™t remember

Think you misread my post Ex - the full quote wasā€¦
According to Charlie Ward who had direct contact with the Alliance and President Trump, on 24 Dec. Christmas Eve the US would receive an announcement about implementation of NESARA Law and the Global Currency Reset.

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Fair enough I was just curious if Covid 19 was the official cause for the sepsis? And if it is Caroline Coster itā€™s fortuitous she is still on hand (no pun intended ) just as the new strain of badness needs some propaganda. Amputations due to sepsis from pneumonia or other infections is fairly common. Iā€™m not trying to make light of her awful situation just a bit more perspective possibly.
Man Flu

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Something is really wrong with our legal system

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The touch paper is definitely lit.

I think the country would support a ā€œSlobodan Milosevicā€ type figure to have a clean up.

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Hurry up the grunts are getting a bit restless about the great reset. Itā€™s amazing how knowledgeable pricks like Tony are on medical matters, itā€™s clear to him we arenā€™t going to get rid of the virus and best to get on with the health passports!

Yes the very same person who has not let up in her enforcing of the bullshit and very vocal on wanting to prosecute to get the message across.