Deeper down The RABBIT HOLE 🐇

Didge not sure if you recall I had noticed some similarity between what Simon Parkes said on one of his prior updates and some email links I had sent to me. This FB links to a post on 17th December, yesterday’s Simon Parkes update is very similar ? We know which one came first.[0]=AZXKgluJ-SThDztx3EhMrVrLuDG6fPiB0zeYhDyu3EC8ezhULbW3rTIC4b3h51pEsxQ4BZ4X_54Lk4DhYgQ1-NPo3ffpsazQH-2zIyyysytBsaJYc3nQr7VIt5rQGR8LVI3bwy4a0lecOkBRzUSjik0M&tn=-UK-R&_rdc=1&_rdr

Bob Beisel

17 December at 17:28 ¡

Right now Trump is sitting on a stack of Trump cards or maybe an Uno Wild Draw 4 (more years) that he’s just waiting to lay down like a fricking royal flush. He has court cases still pending that will go to the Supreme Court & thanks to the TX case, he now knows how to file it under article 3 not 2 so it will force them to hear it. He has the DNI report on Friday. Barr steps down on the 23rd (can now be a witness—he did his job). Durham is a special counsel (can prosecute in any state). He’s letting civil, criminal, federal courts fail to handle the situation properly so he can use military tribunals. He has the data (all of it) from NSA, the Kraken supercomputer, the Alice supercomputer, (& probably a couple others we haven’t heard about yet, too). He has the dueling electors from 7 states legislatures. He has VP Pence as final arbiter of which ballots to accept. He has the Insurrection Act, the NDAA, the national emergency, the 14th amendment, the 2018 executive order, the 2017 very first EO, the Patriot Act, the FISA warrants, the Declassification of everything, people swearing affidavits by the 1000s, the QR code scan guy who just needs access to some real ballots & he can detect if they are fake by looking for creases & printing items using his scanner technology, he has all the statistical data being analyzed, the videos, emails, phone calls, bank transfer statements showing the coordination of the coup, he has RICO, he has the crimes against humanity videos, Wikileaks just dropped a ton & Assange will be pardoned so he can talk about Seth Rich. Now that the governors and secretary of states certified & Biden accepted, they committed and knowingly agreed to treason. Solar Winds just raided & Dominion closing up shop. Same with politicians & media. He has the C_A servers used to change dominion machines, he will soon have access to the machines too. He baited them into staying in DC so they can be inaugurated, oops arrested. Biden hasn’t accepted any transition money nor has Kamala given up her seat. The military has infiltrated Antifa & BLM & he has the financials. He knows which politicians took Chinese & Soros money. He put in Miller & Watnick. He also just reduced dumb regulations. And wrote an EO in the military line of succession. He is defunding the C_A. He just replaced Kissinger & Allbright on the National Security Advisory Board with his loyalists. The military has been flying more planes over America. The Navy just parked huge fleets on both coasts. The 82nd is preparing for an operation (same group Flynn & Donoghue belonged to). Things are falling into place. He has it all. He is just laying out the case, building the narrative. He knows he won & they cheated. He gave them the chance to fix things. They chose not to. Now they all go down.

Mike Stack

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Yes, a lot of identical information.
Simon Parkes was complaining that someone leaked it without authorization.

Did the email you received mention that Trump was in one of the underground Kraken bases in 2016 and 2020?




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Something to think about… shit, I already thought of it!

Some scientist are lacking.

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No that wasn’t mentioned but we have no way of checking either. There was no mention of a leak on the earlier updated which was also very similar. In both cases the email landed first. Of course I have no proof of anything just pointing out the similarity and perhaps caveat emptor.


I just watched an interview of Simon Parkes by Kerry Cassidy.
It was from last Saturday, so 48 hours old. LOL

Go to 20:00 if you want to save time.

Trump is so confident he is already inviting people to his inaugural and gala.

We’re in the shit … thanks, Boris !

Boris Johnson is DELIBERATELY trying to destroy the British economy so he can “Build Back Better” following the course of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.

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I’m still not sure abt the Flat earth theory but a lot of ppl believe it.

Trump is going to do ‘‘The Reset’’

Interesting stuff in here


If you were the cynical type you could say they knew prior to the close of parliament but waited to get the shocking news out about the “stronger” strain of the virus once all the MP’s headed off for tinsel & turkey. “Stronger” is of course the fear porn, it’s just the virus doing it’s thing, I would put money on it.

What does this mean, Stu?

I think you are correct, however what puzzles me is why they had to say anything about a new strain. That has fucked the economy even more …

It is time that resource is diverted into providing as many Nightingale-type locations as needed and just let everyone get on with it. Otherwise we shall be revisiting this situation on a yearly basis.

It’s interesting because all the fact checkers, snopes etc still saying it didn’t happen. The Donald said Obama had him surveilled and of course it was all denied but that piece of paper is proof.

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I look at it separately, the economy, (it appears from people a lot more knowledgeable than me) was screwed anyway, printing, bailouts, debt, etc etc The big players still making profits, while small bar owner with a mortgage screwed, no change there.

Introduce the bogey man that we can blame every bit of fiscal dumbfuckery on and at the same time introduce far reaching controls that just wouldn’t fly under normal circumstance except if you think your life depends on it !

They have started to see kickback, people demonstrating, social media on fire calling out all the bullshit, thought bubble “I know, we need the bogey man to be more scary”, “The Virus has mutated and is a lot more virulent, don’t hug your Gran if you don’t want her to die and lock yourself under the stairs”.
It has to be that way, if everything disappears before all the controls are fully in place, who will take a vaccine for something that isn’t rampant any more ? Who will hand over their cash to help prevent contact spread ? Yes please chip me and get rid of that nasty old money and while your at it make sure it lets everyone know I’m vaccinated and can travel out of red sector into green sector. Oh the joy at being allowed out of my sector and I didn’t even have to show any papers because 5G luckily has me covered !! Unless we kick back in a serious way this is never going away, from their perspective it’s a no brainer to keep it simmering with a constant reminder it can boil over at any time.

I don’t see the need for Nightingale spending only to bolster the FEAR FACTOR. All the hospitals have the capacity, remember they used to treat seasonal flu cases in the elderly/sick etc but they haven’t had to do that this year. Stroke of luck hey, could you imagine the state we would have been in with flu to cope with as well !! :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

That will give the banksters an excellent excuse for a “reset”.

What’s the term?
Intentional destruction? Planned chaos?

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