'Dangerous' levels of arsenic found in bottled water from Whole Foods and Dr Pepper

Ask your doctor about diuretic pills. Taking them in the evening will rid you of water prior to sleeping, thus get rid of it for a longer period while sleeping.

I find that my capacity to hold water is greatly increased after a session of continual peeing (for about 4 hours) after taking the pills. I then can go all night without getting up to pee.

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If you are going to pay big bucks for bottled water, drink beer. It tastes better and you don’t care if it has arsenic in it or not.


…and beer is food!

Scroll down for a list of suggested common foods…not supplements…that will aid you in getting rid of excess water. Just remember to eat them long before going to bed…like maybe for lunch.

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Beer is food for some people but not all people

Food is food, whether one eats it or not. Beer is food.

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Beer is testosterone-sapping manboob-inducing cuck juice. If you want to get tipsy, drink hard liquor instead. Quadruple distilled for better liver health.

If you have diabetes in family check your sugar.

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One of the best natural ways to keep your sugar level down is to keep your weight down.

My doctor said I was “pre-diabetic” and prescribed Metformin. I read about it…and threw the prescription away.

I lost 65 pounds. My blood glucose went down about 20 points…without any medicine.

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Im never a proponent of prescription drugs. Natural means are always the way to go, as youre paying for these immediate “benefits” with risky side effects that could potentially lead to other illness that the doctor will, guess what, prescribes you more pills!

Want to get rid of your migraines, headaches and pain? Sleep 8 hrs and drink plenty of fluid!
Want to get rid of your fats? Sleep 8 hrs, drink plenty of fluid, and move your ass around for 30 mins a day.
Want to cure “insomnia”? Drink plenty of fluid, ditch your pills, move your ass 30 mins a day!

You get the idea.

By the time I had enough symptoms to check my sugar levels my a1c was 13.7 the tester read 175.

My dad is type II, so I make sure to keep an eye out during my annual blood work. I think my eating habits were more positively affected than his were when he found out he was diabetic.


My dad was diabetic…took injections daily…made all three of us kids give him a shot just so we’d know how…had patches of skin on his arms, thighs and belly that looked and felt like alligator skin…could tell whether he needed sugar or insulin…carried both at all times.

Once he went for a check up and the doctor told him his sugar was high, after getting a report from the lab. My dad challenged it and said his sugar was low. The doctor checked again…to find that the lab had mistaken his sample for that of another patient.

Incidentally, over 250,000 US citizens die each year from medical mistakes.



Your liver treats alcohol as a poison regardless of how many times it has been distilled.

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Yes. Distilling captures the alcohol, not the water. Multiple distilling only brings it closer to 200 Proof… from whence it is then diluted…with water.

I dont argue that fact. Distilling yields more alcohol percentage yes, but cheaper and less distilled varieties have other impurities (added intentionally or not to enhance flavors/colors etc), and that just compounds onto the negative effects of alcohol (over)consumption.

Removing impurities is the job of your kidneys. The liver treats ethanol exactly the same regardless of its source.

I agree, and the less impurities there are, the less your kidney has to work. Thats the different between cheap and expensive alcohols, you dont get as much of a hangover effect.

I have never had a hangover from single malt scotch.

Nether have I. I’ve never had more than a single shot at one sitting. :wink: