This is the result of an intentional plan to corrupt Texas through demographic change carried out by selfrighteous asshat leftists tired of high taxes, bad traffic, and terrible schools in CA, who are too blinded by their feel-good ideology to realize they would bring their problems with them and ruin anywhere they go with their shitty policies. We’re going to see more of this as more of these useful idiots flee the cities they’ve already turned into shitholes so they can come ruin place that are still pretty good. They only way I can see to stop this is for liberty loving folks to also move together into geographical strongholds and create a loud and proud public culture of conservatism and freedom, make it manifestly clear that bleeding-heart leftist idiots and their nonsense policy proposal are NOT WELCOME in our towns.
Soros has been spending buttloads of money bankrolling hand-picked candidates for offices like a state’s Attorney General and local District Attorneys or State’s Attorneys like we have in Flodrida.
He was behind the election of the one we have in Orlando, Aramis Ayaya who promptly said she would not be seeking the death penalty in the case of Markeith Lloyd, a cop killer.
Governor Scott transferred all her capital cases to other State Attorneys.
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