Covid Recovery spending paid w/Value Added Tax

Nowadays, the hard work is being done by the front-line healthcare workers, agriculture workers like farmers, food processors, and migrant workers in the field, transportation workers, store clerks, and government first responders. ,These heroic people are considered essential to our society’s survival, yet they own just a tiny fraction of our nation’s wealth. I suppose, many of them would like better working conditions as well as better benefits like the tax-payer funded Medicare health insurance now providing financial security for many of our senior citizens.


That’s exactly why I changed my business. I not only paid high taxes but also the employees salaries. Many times as the owner you were not paid but every employe was paid. I paid 10K a year for healthcare and when the ACA became law it wasn’t enough so employees came to me to demand more. The more they got was unexpected as I told them to all find a new job.
I could not service all the customers I had so I now work with the customer that pay and appreciate my services.


None of which is based on self reliance but merely asking for a handout. Your labor is your own and not owned by Government or other people wanting to reach in another’s pocket to pay for something that they themselves are not willing to pay Nor work for!

Everyone who works works hard. Some work harder than others, hence the ability to move within the work force.

Income inequality is caused by supply and demand. The open borders and never ending supply of illegals and assylum immigrants has skewed the demand side of of our work for.

Why would any employer hand out raises when they can hire more people at minimum wage any day of the week. It really as as easy as that.


You are assuming that every business deserves to come out of this unscathed. If a business can’t survive this it doesn’t deserve to survive. You have to provide a needed service or product, or a luxury item that people consistently demand, like alcohol or tobacco.

Whatever comes next will be a much more focused economy where useless bullshit takes a back seat. That’s not a bad thing. We need to let things take their natural course.


I, like most anybody else, will only pay taxes we are legally obliged to pay, not a dollar more.

I’m not assuming all businesses deserve to survive; quite the contrary, I’d rather the government give equal benefits to each individual rather than picking winners and losers.

Unfortunately, hard work won’t solve the problem of people going bankrupt due to an unexpected illness. or work injury.

I expect automation to soon replace many people’s jobs; hence, the need for a single payer universal health insurance system as well as universal basic income.

We already had a safety net in place to address such issues and it worked pretty well up until the price issue got out of control. Why did they get out of control? Because the insurance industry started buying Politicians in order to monopolise the market. This is the root problem and pretty much is preventing fair competition to take place to which would drastically reduce costs if addressed properly. The problem with the ACA is that it never addressed the cost issue, thus is why it was destined to fail. Furthermore people also should not expect others to pay for their health costs if they decided to make poor health choices by living unhealthy lifestyles. Healthcare is a service not a basic human right.

Yeah that argument is never going to work. You remove an individual’s incentive to work, you also remove the ability to increase tax revenues from a production standpoint. The money to pay for entitlements has to come from somewhere.

Despite the official narrative predicated upon flawed scientific advice, which only the gullible fall for, Covid 19 is just another strain of flu, the main difference being it’s more likely to lead to pneumonia or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for those with a weak immune reaction. Maybe that’s why Johnson got the full-blown version, but prince Charles who is 20 years his senior hardly had any symptoms, and also might explain how his (prince Charles’) woman friend didn’t catch it from him, whereas Johnson’s woman friend did?

You expect yet have no proof and are willing to trash what’s left of our healthcare system after facts prove Sweden is no model system

Maybe you should send everything you may to the government for redistribution instead of insisting others destroy their lives so you can have you UBI, UHC both designed to make people more docile and unmotivated.

Of course, neither I nor hardly anybody else will pay more in taxes than required by law., this is why taxes are compulsory rather than voluntary. A single payer universal health care system like Sweden’s health care system is better than America’s employer based health insurance system or America’s individual private based health insurance system as evident by Swedes having a longer life expectancy overall than Americans as well as Swedes spending ca. forty percent overall less money on a per capita basis for their health care than the amount of money on a per capita basis Americans.overall spend on health care.

Hey! Read the OP! You are off topic here! Your post has nothing to do with what is being discussed!

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Total fantasy on your part. Also did you look at Sweden’s numbers lately or for that matter other countries like Denmark, UK who have similar healthcare systems that you so champion? They are all facing severe fiscal funding issues due to overspending more than they take in. Sorry but your model is bullshit especially considering citizens are paying over 60% of their wages to fund such social programs and its demise is being exacerbated by the unfettered migration of third worlders who bring nothing to contribute to the labor force. They are completely dependent on government taking care of all their needs and now countries like Sweden are faced with some serious shortfalls to fund their entitlement programs. Apparently you haven’t thought this though enough, so much so that your examples are piss poor.

Since the, OP advocates a single payer universal health care insurance over the failed status-quo employer based or private individual based health care insurance system in our C.O.V.I.D. ravaged highly jobless society, then I’d consider justification for why we should have a single payer universal health care insurance as relevant discussion regarding the OP… Thank you for your participation.

The OP details how a single payer universal health care system could be well funded by a ten percent V.A.T. here in America,

Uh, yeah well I am also advocating why we shouldn’t have a single payer universal health care system and I provided the reasons why, but I guess you ignored that part and are only interested in supporting your confirmation bias. It’s probably why your candidate lost because it was never a good idea to begin with and with such confirmation bias is the unwillingness to address key points that critics who oppose your ideas is ultimately failing to getting support for them.