COVID-19 White House Task Force Briefings--Livestream

That’s great! How do you tell who has ad blockers?

Some have bragged about using them here. I can also tell by analytics.

I get it because I use ad blockers as well, but on small and independent sites that I use frequently I always make sure to donate. If people that run independent sites go away, the options aren’t good for anyone. Ad revenue nowadays is a joke. Pennies for thousands of unique views. The only way to make any reasonable revenue of ads is by getting hundreds of thousands to millions of unique views per day. That market is saturated with useless clickbait sites loaded with ads. It’s not supportive of small independent operators.

I agree totally, that chat feed is so annoying! I could really care less what these chatters are saying. They are just chatting about some of the things that are unrelated to the stream.

Many thanks, 20 characters’ worth

There is a light and dark theme to disable it if you’d like.

Chat stream doesn’t really bother me. Just folks talking. Who really cares?

Thanks @Patriot! I got it fixed now.

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One thing that’s funny about the chat is when people drop redpills the moderators automatically delete them.

Just goes to show how many people are allergic to the truth.

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I wonder if you get vulgar on it, do they just ban you and still make you watch it scroll or do they quit making you watch it?

I was within a few seconds of getting nasty with it and I happened upon the instructions to change my theme. It’s no longer a problem for me.

I hate that kind of mandatory gibberish scrolling.

WOW , it’s very annoying . :confounded: :weary: