Half or more of government employees do little more than “busy work”. Like lamprey eels, sucking on a host.
The weird thing is that number hasn’t changed much at all since the 1960s. Is this the MIC that Eisenhower warned us about?
It isn’t that they do nothing but what they do is subvert the policies of our elected government as proven in the testimony of the people summoned by the democrats.
They question why the president doesn’t take their counsel and are angry when he choses a different direction. Then the leaks begin.
One might call it sedition.
Sedition definition, incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.
That’s a broad brush! I think it’s fair to say that SOME federal employees behave that way and are subversive to the actions and intent of the Trump administration. For that they should be held accountable.
As I understand it the federal government is one of the largest employers of veterans in this country. That’s a good thing in my opinion and I doubt that veterans would behave the way these Democrat star witnesses have.
I think the better solution would be to get rid of the subversive people in the federal government who aren’t following the directions provided to them by the administration…I’m pretty sure that’s against the rules anyway so it should be an easy case to make.
They are the largest employer in the US. Followed by Walmart and Mc D’s.
Top 20 Employers of Military Veterans
- Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
- Booz, Allen and Hamilton
- Northrop Grumman Corporation
- L-3 Communications
- United States Government - Department of Defense
- BAE Systems, Inc.
- Lockheed Martin Corporation
- Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC)
- CACI International, Inc.
- The Boeing Company
- Department of Veteran’s Affairs
- Allied Barton Security Services Inc.
- Raytheon Company
- Securitas Security Services USA, Inc.
- Deloitte Consulting LLP
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- Exelon Corporation
- General Dynamics Corporation
- General Electric Company (GE)
- Stryker Corporation
The problem is rooting out the subversive in government, easier said than done as proven by the whistleblower who should be terminated.
You are hitting on some deep shit here, something to which a patient and it’s therapist go through in a session when suddenly a revelation occurs that requires a deeper dive in order for the patient to become whole again. The patient reveals through repressed memories that they were molested, and now they must deal with this in a entire new way!
To be continued
I never said all employees are indispensable; but how to sort out the unnecessary. Like trying to unscramble eggs. Remember: “The mark of elegant engineering is to produce the desired effect as simply as possible”. This applies to all areas of engineering; including political engineering. We all know there are far too many on the government tit.
Bill Maher is nothing more than a successful (rich) shock jock who uses vulgarities to evoke laughter from his audience thus making him seem comedic. He’s not really funny in the sense one normally expects from a comedian.
He is a divisive, smut mouth atheist who thrives on making his uncouth behavior seem cool. He reminds me somewhat of that worthless asshole, Andrew Dice Clay.
A true comedian, like George Gobel, could make people laugh at the humor in his jokes and did not depend on the shock effect of hearing obscenities and insults directed at political rivals and the less refined among us.
Bill Maher is a weak minded, smug asshole. I would not offer 10¢ for a video of every performance he has ever done.
The little TV time with the Dems and the comments are quite revealing as to how biased and subversive the employees of our government can be.
I like sedition. Imagine if the put a leaker on trial for sedition. t would certainly drive them deeper and their leaks more damaging.
Will we ever have another successful Republican president as long as they are allowed to continue in government service?
I’m with you. Without the canned laughter from his audience of rubes he would be nothing.
No, he was talking about a completely different animal.
No which is why now is the time to clean house! If serious action is not taken soon then it will be too late. In other words it’s now or never!
A serious house cleaning is in order followed by termination and prosecution for anyone leaking information.
As I watched the video, I thought: There’s nothing funny. Why are they laughing?
If that’s his way of making money, fine. But why add insult to injury by sharing it?
Unless it’s a click bait, of course.
The likelyhood of economic civil war is what I think happens. I could see a concerted effort by conservatives boycotting liberal owned businesses and vice versa. Something like that could get very but without getting violent.