CNN Poll: 2% Think America Is Doing ‘Very Well’ Under Joey Bidet

ROFLAO, the 80 million vote man Joey Bidet…remember? Remember?

Yeah…okay…what…EVAH :clown_face:

The country is getting FUCKED UP by a FUCK UP ALL because these stupid SOBs thought Orange Man Bad and #LiterallyHitler and so because of that we get the Senile Dementia Administration that was installed just like a toilet or in THIS case a Bidet:


80 - 20 for Trump is a lie.

It’s more like 95% or more voted for Trump.
In other words, CA and other States should be red, with the exception of NY


Damn that rough… Arizona is about to decertify.

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Wow there are 2% who totally brain dead too . :joy: :joy:

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I hear chuck Todd and Chris Wallace love polls, and reciting them on their famed weekend news programs… can’t wait to hear them talk about it


Two asswipes that will put those numbers on tilt ! :joy:


I can’t stand Chuck Todd or Chris Wallace. Oh BTW The New York Slimes have NOT updated their polls for many many months, yes they are FRIGHTENED of showing how low Sleepy Joe Bidet now has fallen.

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2% is twice as good s 1%.

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Did they go the Southern Border to find the 2% ???


two percent is way to high its 0 and thats even stretching it

Trump who promised to pay off the national debt and run balanced budgets strapped the country with an additional 6 trillion dollars of debt and signed the two biggest budget deficits in American history….

It doesn’t matter what Biden does, being rid of Trump was the most important business of November 2020 and that mission was accomplished……:wink:

The best way to pay off the national debt is to get rid of the Fed, which Trump did.
Brilliant move.

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Monte your Trump Derangement Syndrome is soooooooooooooooooooo 2019. You really DO need to attempt to change the record already :roll_eyes:

Spoken as you engage daily in Biden derangement syndrome….:thinking:

Trump didn’t get rid of the Federal Reserve and I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Lucy liked* that nonsense……:roll_eyes:

The DIFFERENCE is though that Joey Bidet IS literally deranged, he’s a Senile, demented and deranged TOTAL dumbass who probably doesn’t even know what DAY it is.

There is a REASON why his Handlers are now literally cutting his feed when he starts RAMBLING GIBBERISH like they did the other day.

It’s going to get to the point soon where not even that will work and he’s just going to flip out and start screaming like a complete loon on live TV, either he’s going to start screaming or he’ll start pulling faces at people or whatever, but he IS going to flip out soon on live TV. The dude’s a fucking BASKET CASE.

He still kicked Trumps ass……:wink:

Whatever…What…EVAH :roll_eyes:

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TDS was born out of personal hatred because Pres Trump wanted to De Pollute D.C. The insiders and RINOS wouldn’t stand for that and attacked him constantly over minutiae.
Fortunately level headed minorities saw through it but the Americsn TASS and Prvadas spewed their hate and Propaganda.
You must have the vision of Stevie Wonder ,not to see that Bidets derangement is REAL. HE belongs in a nursing home, not as President.

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Trump placed the Fed under government control.
The Rockefellers and Rothschilds no longer control the Fed.