Chicago high school spent $53K replacing yearbook after students pose with "okay" sign up

I would say we reached peak stupidity but I am scared we are only in the foothills.

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I’m curious to know what about this you think was stupid. The kids…or the reaction?

This kind of stupidity is going to increase exponentially in the future.

Let’s hope so. When the entire school is doing it, we win.

No, we’ll loose because these idiots in charge will ban all photos showing such expressions and probably reprint at a cost of millions anything in which such photos appear.

Next page: Illinois school system need more money to improve quality of education.

Kids are stupid, we know that. The reaction was even more stupid because adults should know better. It’s a damn year book. People that take offense can take a sharpie and black out those pictures. Certainly isn’t worth thousands of dollars to correct. PC needs to die.

The reaction, what did the kids do wrong?

I bet all the black and hispanics were able to keep their gang signs in there tho…


Money doesn’t fix stupid . Just another Dem controlled State that turns out to be a money pit at the cost of working taxpayers . :roll_eyes:

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Why would a Chicago high school have white supremacists?

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What would you bet that this school DOES NOT reprint its Yearbook? I think its a safe bet.

The kids should sue for a violation of their 1st Amendment Rights and whomever made that decision should be fired.