Cheating Joe Biden - Fake President Elect Livestream

You are running with the liberal (and anti-Trump) narrative that Donald Trump once referred to American soldiers as “losers.”

You really might want to be more accurate than that, and simply say that he has been accused of doing so.

Oh, and I will reiterate my previous claim that you indulged in a cheap shot.

A more accurate analysis would be this: I do not believe that any former president should be prosecuted, if his prosecution would thoroughly divide the country. The downside would simply exceed the upside.

And if you really believe that all of the latest six presidents “should have been prosecuted,” then you are essentially calling for an end to this country, as we now know it (and perhaps even a second civil war).

As you know, nothing is sacred on this site.
Trump is an avid reader of The Art of War by Sun Tzu, written 2,500 years ago in China.

It’s not about class and dignity, but about winning a war.

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Again, presidents shouldn’t be held accountable because their base will throw a hissy fit…:roll_eyes:

Damn this was stolen! Trump won

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As you well know, repetition doesn’t make anything fact. And Trump has spent 4 years mocking anybody that has ever failed as losers…

My shots at trump are expensive and he’s fair game. Sorry if you don’t like it…:confused:

Failing to hold our presidents accountable is going to be the end of the country, as we know it…

That is an enormously crude (and tendentious) way of phrasing it.

More to the point, those who do not simply despise the president–whether they are a part of his “base” or not–would naturally take offense at any such act.

How you can fail to see such a matter as hugely divisive, I simply have no idea.

Anytime President Trump has engaged in mockery, I would consider it wrongheaded.

But that does not justify mockery of the president–which amounts to a mockery of the office itself (and not just the man temporarily holding it).

To claim that all six of most recent presidents deserve to be (or to have been) prosecuted is to say, essentially, that the pertinent standard is so high that no modern president can hope to live up to it.

What historic first does she represent bedides being the first female VP.She is the biracial produvt of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father . Does that make her black without genetic engineering???

Critical Stinker, what magic wand does he have when he forgets his lines in the middle of a sentence.

It wasn’t anything like crude at all, but tendentious yes, of course…

And, yes of course anyone that doesn’t “despise” the president would take offense to it because they wouldn’t want their favorite president to be held accountable. That’s the problem with partisanship, and unfortunately plagues the vast majority of Americans and accounts for our sad state of affairs…

Ok, that would have sounded better had you said everytime instead of “anytime”…

Sorry but I categorically dispute that notion. I’ve never bought that bullshit. If the president, who holds the highest office can engage in mockery of others as he has done the entire time he’s occupied the office, he can stand the mockery that’s returned…

Anonymous sources, un named insiders.

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To claim (as you have) that anyone who does not utterly despise the president must be a part of his “base” is, at best, a crude caricature of the facts. (Actually, it is not even that: A caricature is based upon reality–it is just an exaggeration of that reality–but this is not even marginally true.)

I deeply dislike the mockery that President Trump has sometimes engaged in.

But that does not justify any sort of counter-mockery.

(By the way, are you at all familiar with the tu quoque fallacy?)

No, I don’t believe that his base is that large, many voted for Trump because they do not like the Democratic Party platform, but don’t necessarily like Trump.