Censorship on this site


Funny. Sophomoric. Naive.

Why not create your own language? Why allow anyone to dictate how you write? And yet you do, hotshot.

Left to an anarchists’ world, you would be just grunting in 100 different tones. Every word you type here is evidence that you allow yourself to be controlled by rules of syntax and vocabulary and grammar.

Welcome to the world of control. :slight_smile:


So far from your posts, you complain and contribute nothing.

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I’m expecting him to start crying soon.


If I were you, I’d quit this place and tell all of my like minded friends who may be thinking of joining to stay away.


I’m a Mathews guy, never cared much for Hoyt.

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I feel like the UFC should be taking notes here. Arianny is way too underutilized as it is!

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I wasn’t expecting the sound to be different. Thanks for the good laugh. Your meme / quote juxtaposition is masterclass.

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worse day of his life

I’m not sure what Patriot was thinking when he invited this clod, but that was a bit too inclusive.

At least he had the good grace to simply not come back. Some clods keep threatening to leave but never do.

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The censorship was too much for him. This is a highly censored site.

Big men Tyrone has lost some weight

Heh heh I’ll bet that was a fun party. Was it a Nazi wedding or just Adolph’s birthday?

Probably would be good for even more laughs than a Scientology wedding.

I have to disagree with that. If anything its the opposite.

I would, though, like to see a small sub-section where people could discuss an issue that has deep important meaning for them and that the usual extreme attacks are not allowed. Or maybe a debate section where only certain people are allowed in a thread, or something like that.

There are plenty of private groups to do exactly what you are talking about among a smaller circle.