I wear cargo shorts and pants and I don’t see anything wrong with it. I don’t wear them for the fashion, but the utility. They allow me to carry my wallet, keychain, personal phone, work phone, and any other effects I may need on my person. I don’t walk around in my cargos thinking i’m cool. They’re functional apparel. They’ve never prevented me from getting laid.
There’s a subset of the population that is trying to hurry along the cargo-style clothing and I don’t see their problem with it. They call them “purse pants” and crack jokes like “what’s something cargo pants can’t hold? A conversation with a lady yuk yuk”. haha fuck off. I will continue to wear my cargos and you will deal with it.
I dont mind wearing cargo pants but I have to wear a belt with them because all the stuff I carry with them including my handgun weighs them down so they fall if they are not super tight.
The only people who wear cargo shorts are rednecks and nobodies from flyover states. At any rate, no one cares what you wear because no one will ever notice you or listen to what you have to say…because you are wearing stupid cargo shorts.