Candace Owens just killed a smug B*tch, and Jim Jordan takes vengeance with a smile

This was awesome to watch as Candice Owens obliterates racist Democrats narrative again!

Candace Owens to Kathleen Belew: “The audacity of you to bring up the Christchurch shooting manifesto and make it seem as if I laughed at people that were slaughtered by a homicidal maniac is in my opinion absolutely despicable."

I love Candace, I wish she’d move to Texas and Run for Congress again.

One of the main problems with liberals is they are so arrogant that they think they know better then anyone else. Liberal socialists know more then actual socialist survivors and as Candice pointed out white liberals know more about black lives then black conservatives do.

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The biggest threat to America (and human civilization) is the ■■■■■■■■■■■■ media and its manipulation.

Good lord. I hope I never on the opposite side of her.

I love her comment at the end (paraphrase):

I find it ironic that you have three caucasian sitting here testifying telling you what their expertise is. You want to know my expertise? Being black in America, being black in American for 30 years. And everytime an election comes up you do the exact same thing and it needs to stop.

She outlined issues people don’t want to hear and destroyed the white supremacy argument:

Lack of a father in the home
Education and illiteracy
Illegal aliens taking job

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Not related to thread topic! Another example of thread derailment!

@Patriot @tyfoon

@Patriot @Tyfoon yet again derailing another thread with idiotic ■■■■■■ Conspiracy theories.

It’s sad but if you compare race/incarceration rates with singe mothers the numbers are almost exactly the same.

Isn’t that what Owens is referring to?
What’s the matter with you both?

You are an idiot! Thanks for demonstrating that once again here!

Owens doesn’t mention ■■■■ anywhere in that clip, quit derailing the thread.

Every time I watch this she’s that much more impressive.

I can’t stand Candace Owens. She strikes me as a desperate grifter who will say anything to keep the attention on her so she keeps getting paid.

Too bad, you should pay more attention and try doing so with an open mind. She’s a hell of a lady and will do a lot to reshape the black community in the US given a chance.

Owens speaks truth to power; she refuses to be a race hustler like Sharpton.

You seem to confuse her with Sharpton.

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