Building 7. New insights

How many gallons of jet fuel will do that?

The planes that supposedly hit the Twin Towers were not the largest planes and they had flown a few hours before they supposedly reached New York City. How many gallons of fuel were still left in the tanks? And upon supposed impact, quite a few gallons combusted and went up in smoke.

So again, how many gallons of jet fuel were left to generate 1000 degrees heat?

What if there were no planes?
The whole narrative collapses like the WTC.

What is the total weight of the aircraft (causing such a devastating effect) as opposed to the total weight of an entire floor, including walls and steel girders on the outside?

I was visiting an office there around 1980. And the office was may be on the 30th or 40th floor or thereabouts. It was a windy day and the whole building was swaying. None of the above 1-4 seemed to be happening.

keep in mind there were gas lines running up
And down that building. It wasn’t just jet fuel, also explosion would cause steel to buckle.

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Weight of the plane is nothing compared to the 10K gallons of flameable jet fuel.

The impact of the aircraft and other flying objects:

The hijacked commercial jets piloted by terrorists struck the twin towers, some 10,000 gallons (38 kiloliters) of jet fuel-fed the fire.

Commercial pilots are saying they couldn’t hit the Twin Towers even if they wanted to. It’s beyond their abilities.

Is that when the tanks are full?

High rise buildings are designed and built to withstand such impacts. The Twin Towers may look thin from the distance, but they were massive structures with a lot of floor space.

Maybe in a few floors where the planes supposedly hit. But fires of high rise buildings occurred in other countries. None of them collapsed.

Ever fly a plane?? Your statement would be troublesome as hitting the runway would be problematic.

Fuel Capacity 20,101 gallons
As a side note airlines generally do not fill the planes as fuel is weight. The more weight the more fuel they use.

Jet fuel burns at 800 to 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature is not hot enough to melt structural steel.2 But engineers say that for the World Trade Center towers to collapse, its steel frames didn’t need to melt—they just had to lose some of their structural strength from the intense heat. Steel will lose about half its strength at 1,200 Fahrenheit. Steel also becomes distorted and will buckle when the heat is not a uniform temperature. The exterior temperature was much cooler than the burning jet fuel inside. Videos of both buildings showed inward bowing of perimeter columns resulting from sagging of heated trusses on many floors.

At the top speed with which the planes allegedly flew toward the Twin Towers.

They pulverized. It certainly wasn’t the jet fuel.

I found this in the FJB bin!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Hardly neither tower collapsed on impact.
The North Tower (WTC 1) was the first building to be hit when American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the skyscraper at 8:46 a.m., causing it to collapse at 10:28 after burning for 1 hour and 41 minutes.

It was controlled demolition. There were big bomb explosions all right, but no planes. They didn’t want to “pull it” right after the planes supposedly hit.

It was a part of the plan to blame it on jet fuel. But we don’t know exactly what caused the steel to pulverize. There’s no doubt that advanced technology was used, as John Lear suggested.

I agree with you that it was a controlled demolition but there were definitely planes that crashed into the buildings to give the illusion it was a terrorist attack. Meanwhile the terrorists who carried out the plane crashes, their families were well taken care of.


I agree too that this what my thoughts are too. From the outside looking in.

Those burst could be water pipes, could be several different gases, propane, could be CFC, HCFC, natural gas, gasses used to supply cool air.

There were many different offices, could have been dry nitrogen. Etc.

Some pieces of steel flew, struck and got embedded in the buildings across the street. It was more likely the result of a series of explosions, to permit the vertical collapse of the buildings.

America seems to need an excuse to join or start a major war since the beginning of the 20th century.

The Lusitania (Germany even advertised in US newspapers warning citizens not to take that ship because Germany knew it was transporting weapons)
Pearl Harbor (FDR knew when it was going to happen)
Golf of Tonkin

Fun fact: The smear “conspiracy theorist” was invented by conspirators to stop people from discovering their conspiracies

Conspiracy: A secret plan by multiple people to do something evil or illegal.

This is also known as the core function of modern government.

Modern government steals unearned wealth, gives it to people who don’t deserve it, imprisons those who refuse to obey, and lies to the world about it without concern for justice.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Once you establish that the Twin Towers were brought down by controlled demotion, then there’s no need for planes — just like Building 7.

ROTFLMAO. Good one, happy April fool day.

Some days you do say something funny

It was a missile.