🚨 BREAKING: Trump Found Guilty of all 34 counts in the Hush Money Trial!

Today is the day that the justice system in the United States was made a mockery of and probably will never recover.

Trump was found guilty of all 34 counts in the hush money trial, despite highly partisan politics affecting not only the judge but the jury too. In fact the Judge was highly compromised with conflicts of interest that he should have never been appointed in this case to begin with, never mind that the statue of limitations had already ran out before Alvin Bragg decided to resurrect it based purely on political motives.

The bottom line is this was a sham trail, and a disgrace. The left now get to celebrate and will no doubt use this to paint the former president as a convicted felon on false pretenses!


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He had as much of a chance of being aquitted as OJ had of being found guilty.
Another MISCARRIGE of JUSTICE where there wasnt a crime committed. NDAs are legal docuements. This trial on served to make Stormy Daniels relevent again and a way for her to become richer.
Donald Trump is seen as an ABDOLUTE THREAT to SLOW JOES reelection and is an example of THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES JUSTICE.This administration has sunk lower than the SCHMOBAMA administration weaponizing the JUDICIAL system against perceived threats. Hopefully Trump can be free while appealing this UNJUST KANGAROO COURT VERDICT.

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I love this irony and its a poignant one. The same day Trump was convicted on bogus charges from a Kangaroo court, Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake on this day. May 30th 1431


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This is such horseshit and a mockery of the judicial system. Doc you know more than most being a lawyer here, but how the hell was this case allowed to stand after all the obvious obstruction in favor of the prosecution? I never heard a case where a defendant can’t call its own witnesses? This is poisoning the well and needs a slap down in the worst way imaginable

Killing sprees of Cultural Marxists and leftists is underrated. :joy:


The judge tipped the scales, and the verdict was already a pre-packaged conclusion from all 12 jurors before closing arguments.
This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt. It’s a rigged trial, a disgrace. They wouldn’t give us a venue change. We were at 5% or 6% in this district, in this area. This was a rigged, disgraceful trial. These NY scumbag liberal dipshits were ready to convict BEFORE they were ever seated !!!
We’re a nation in decline, serious decline, millions and millions of people pouring into our country right now from prisons and from mental institutions, terrorists, and they’re taking over our country. We have a country that’s in big trouble.

But this was a rigged decision right from Day One. With a conflicted judge who should have never been allowed to try this case.


This judge should be removed from the bench.

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I am in Vietnam and the judicial system here is better than the US at this point. That is saying a lot! No?


Next up is the DOG AND PONY SHOW in Delaware of Hunter Bidens gun charge .Any chance of a SURPRISE VERDICT there???

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The piece of SHIT judge changed the rules. For conviction, the jury only needed 4 yes votes per charge, they didn’t need to be unanimous , WHICH IS BULLSHIT . It was impossible to get a hung jury. I can’t believe that happened, totally unconstitutional - this judge should be in jail.


I know. This f**king judge should be removed and never allowed to sit over a case again. This won’t stand. As it moves through the courts on appeal, it will get overturned.

I look at this way… Trump getting elected is almost a sure thing now… unless of course, the Left has another ace up it’s dirty sleeve… which wouldn’t surprise me.


Weaponization of justice system.

Obviously not the first time. Hallmark of a corrupt country.


Hope Trump has EXCELLENT SECURITY. He may catch " Lead Poisoning " on the campaign trail or the golf course. Of cource the DEMS would say they werent involved.


Elise Stefniak has filed a ethics violation complaint against the judge. Not sure what the result is going to be, but if it is heard the judge could be disbarred and removed from the bench.


We may arrive to Pinnochet levels of extermination of the ______ to cleanse the country of the filth that pervades the rot from within! It worked for Chili and El Salvador and it could work for us too!

It is beyond corrupt it is criminal.


It all depends on how many sleepers will buy the mainstream (Dems, Joos, Deep State, Khazarian mafia) lies.
The Ukrainian war, Gaza massacre, border crisis… everything is related.

Has anyone even wondered why there hasn’t been an investigation into the Chinese Communist Party’s “Belt and Road” foreign influence campaign, that paid James and Hunter Biden $6.1 million in 2017 and 2018 — including a $5 million wire on Aug. 8, 2017, days after Hunter texted a CEFC translator that he was “sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”
It is a mirage to believe that Hunter Biden was engaged in international business,This was a bribe masquerading as an international business transaction .

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