🚨 BREAKING: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Resigns

I guess the hearing didn’t go too well for her as both sides requested that she resign. Good news and bad news for DEI.

I’m ok with combining mined to yours no problem . We can go with your post .

That is alright, I am sure it was an honest mistake.

That being said, my question is who is going to replace Cheatle? Also they shouldn’t stop there as Mayorkas should be next to go! He after all is also partly culpable for the epic failures that happened on that day.

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Biden should have fired her. But she is covering for Biden as Jill had 12 agents covering her, Rump 3.

Americans watched the head of the Secret Service, testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. She testified to absolutely nothing. She answered no questions. The woman turned evasiveness into an art form. She was expressionless, her voice monotonal.
She demonstrated no remorse, no particular concern. Her ignorance of the facts of the “incident” her term was shocking.

Was it a surprise she resigned???

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Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, appoints Ronald Rowe as his replacement. Rowe was one of Obama’s henchmen who helped create the domestic surveillance and targeting mechanisms for the weaponized Intelligence Community. Yikes!

Of course the whole operation was conducted not to take out lying Kimberly Cheatle but to expose the whole SS and the Deep State.

It was indented to take Trump out , but he turned his head at the last second , it doesn’t get closer than that . All the morons on the view and in Hollywood were delighted it happened and wished Trump was assassinated .

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Our country is in serious trouble when revealing the facts about what happened. People are no longer going to have any trust what so ever in any Government institution after this. That trust is just about gone by now, when that happens the Government becomes null and void due to the fact that its by consent only.


Turning his head didnt save him. The bullet had to deflect off something as this guy was a poor shooter. The AR 15 has a muzzle velocity of 3300 fps so does anyone believe the ear would have reduced the effectiveness of the bullet.

Whay makes you say that ? There is no indicating of a deflection by any of the sources .

Do you really believe his ear alone could deflect a bullet at that velocity unless he is SUPERMAN.

Oblivious to ballistics forensics obviously! Not knowing that a single bullet traveling at a high velocity can graze the ear at the right trajectory can draw blood and still continue on a straight path. I knew the guy who took out a sniper with a 50 cal from a mile away in Iraq, so from a distance of 130 yards any other shooter with military training would not have missed that shot.

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My understanding is the round grazed his ear and not that it was deflected to hit his ear . After hitting the President’s ear I assume there would be a sight deflection and what ?