🚨 Breaking: President Trump shot in Assassination Attempt 🚨

FBI, DHS both Biden agencies. No we will never get to the bottom. Neat how the media has dropped the story.


SS will dispatch a new team to protect Trump WH approved …

Lets look at the aggregate of patterns these last 4 years and see if we can draw a suspicious conclusion shall we?

  1. J6 Committee that jailed several MAGA supporters including two Trump surrogates in Peter Navarro, and Steven Bannon
  2. The raid on Mara largo (First Time in US history a former US president’s house was raided by the FBI
  3. 91 indictments most of which there were no crimes committed
  4. A former DOG official leaves his post to join the Alvin Bragg team to rigg a jury trail against Trump
  5. Arbitrary ruling against Trump falsely accusing him of rape in a civil court (not a criminal one)
  6. Jack Smith is appointed special council without congressional approval
  7. Leticia James AG of NY and Judge Ergogan (spelling) arbitrarily violates Trump’s constitution rights in order to rule against him in another bogus case that had no legal foundation.
  8. Media labels Trump a modern day version in comparison to Hitler and a dictator
  9. Lie after Lie is peddled to the MSM by the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Jamie Raskin, Eric Swalwell, Dan Goldman, Tom Lieu, Chuck Schummer, Jerry Nadler, AOC, Hakeem Jefferies, Cory Booker, and many others like Paul Ryan, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell who on the latter didn’t use such inventiveness but their innuendos certainly contributed.
  10. Jill Biden recommended Kimberly Cheatle to be the SS director
  11. Mayorkas repeatedly lied to congress about the illegal immigration crisis at the southern border and continues to lie to this day even after being impeached by the house.
  12. Christopher Wray (one of Trump’s biggest mistakes) goes after a Catholic family with guns drawn at their home. Also lies under oath about Jan 6th about having operatives present that day and violating constitutional rights of citizens by using “geo fencing” to entrap them
  13. Las Vegas massacre was covered up
  14. Lisa Page, Peter Strozk, and Andrew McCabe all got get out of jail free cards
  15. DEI is reinstituted in all branches of the military including the Secret Service with the hire of Kimberly Cheatle
  16. Billions of US taxpayers dollars is given to a foreign country to fund a proxy war while ignoring our southern border
  17. Food processing plants all across the country mysteriously catch fire driving up the cost of food
  18. The price of Gas systematically increases while this administrations pushed the EV production market while using the bogus Climate Change argument
  19. Immunity and systemic cover up of the Vaccine injury is also propagated giving cover to big pharma like Pfizer
  20. Inflation is a run away train
  21. Lets not forget the environmental disaster that happened in East Palestine Ohio to which there was no accountability for Pete Buttegieg’s incompetence.
  22. Illegals being flown in all over the country under the cover of darkness and in secrecy
  23. The diversity hires all in this administration and pushing the transgender narratives
  24. Naming Transgender day on Easter Sunday (that one was a doozy)
  25. Biden’s gaffes and pooping his pants in front of the pope
  26. Bidens bomb at the debate
  27. Merrick Garland lies several times under oath and obfuscates a judiciary committee subpoena in defiance and is held in contempt
  28. Morning Joe’s hateful rhetoric so much so he was recently pulled from the air
  29. Illegals killing and raping US citizens
  30. Funding illegals with copious amounts of tax payer funded benefits while ignoring our vets, homeless and our own citizens when it comes to jobs.

There is probably more that I am leaving out but for the sake of closing this loop, lets add in the cash cow which is Ukraine and the threat to not only to the Neo-libs and Neocons, but the EU parasites too, and its easy to put the dots together how this assassination attempt was suppose to go down. Lets remember in the last two years, Japanese former prime minster Shinzo Abe was assassinated, Prime Minster of Slovakia Robert Fico was shot in a assassination attempt just two months ago, and Victor Orban was also in danger of a assassination attempt right before going to Russia to meet with Putin, and now Trump.

When looking at all of this in the aggregate, there is definitely a pattern that emerges. Victor Orban wrote a recent letter to the EU stressing the need for diplomacy to which not Sunak, Borris johnson, Biden, Jake Sullivan, Anthony Blinken or any member of the EU states have pursued so far. Now the EU wants to punish Victor Orban for pursuing a peace deal with Russia. Think about the absurdity of that premise in a wider perspective. Really unbelievable in many ways.

The assassination attempt on Trump was a deep state operation from the get go, and the shooter had MK-Ultra written all over him.

The dots start to make sense when looking at Mayorkas, and Cheatle and what their actions to date have revealed. It speaks volumes just what is at stake this coming November’s election.

Candace Owens thinks so too!



Why was the deep state’s bloodthirsty regime change expert Victoria Neuland guaranteeing that Trump “won’t be President” with a crooked smile on her face just hours before a Biden Donor was allowed by Secret Service to shoot Trump in the head?


A guy walks around for a half an hour with a range finder, checks a roof, then drags an extension ladder and rifle in front of hundreds of people including secret service, climbs a roof, is seen by authorities. Dozens of people warn secret service who watches him set up for shot, allows him to shoot before shooting… Who actually believes that anyone would fall for the litany of excuses provided by the Secret Service…GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE !!!

The FBI were given shoot to kill orders before they raided Mar-a-Lago.Now the Secret Service seems to have deliberately allowed a known security threat to proceed unsecured so as to allow Donald Trump to be shot.

The shooter was "on the radar 30 plus minutes before the shooting took place and was seen multiple times with a rifle and then a ladder beforehand. Failures like this are planned, not accidental. They tried to bankrupt him, they tried to discredit him, they tried to get him jailed, now they tried to kill him.I think we know who 'they ’ are.

When we have a SS agent unable to holster her pistol after multiple attempts we no longer see a capable security team but a WOKE one ! And a WOKE security is a WEAK security ! Take your fucking DEI to the basketball court or to the hiring at the NAACP .

They protected President Trump just like they protected our country’s borders.


The shooter’s parents, Matthew and Mary Crooks, were both licensed as professional counselors in Pennsylvania, according to state records.

These 2 are supposed to be professionals and they had NO idea about the state of their own son’s mind? The parents are “registered” therapist - their son took the day off - they couldn’t locate their son and called police, in English - the parents knew what their son was plotting / doing - they just chose to ignore it. Call the cops because you think your 22 YEAR OLD live in son is “missing” in the middle of the afternoon. PLEASE !

So many red flags. Too many to ignore. Incompetence or intentional, either way, the Director of Secret Service, failed at her only objective to the job. Keeping people safe. Secret service should control any and all areas where a sniper could kill the person they are protecting. What’s next Alvin Bragg will charge Trump with evading assassination

I’m not sure if it was really him at this point.
Like I’m saying, the faces don’t match.

Now the water tower comes into view (Redacted show, also I posted), so to speak.

We don’t call her the “angel of death” for nothing.
She is much more than just a cookie monster at Maidan in Kiev.

Because of her actions and policies, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have already died, and there will be one million dead soon on both sides, not to mention millions of lives ruined in Ukraine and Russia, and countless lives around the world affected negatively.

Her neocon ideology goes against the ideas of Trump (and Vance) both geopolitically and domestically. She is not likely to sit quiet.


She needs to be arrested and prosecuted for her crimes. If there is anyone in this world besides Fauci that shouldn’t be running around free it is Victoria Nueland! I hope karma justice pays a visit to her soon!


Just remember also they have denied RFK Jr. secret service protection as well. That should have been the canary in the coal mine signal, but we know how that goes.

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𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆: Austin Private Wealth with CONNECTIONS to the Bush family shorted 12M shares of $DJT via a put option on July 12, just ONE DAY before the assassination attempt. Did the Bush’s know something was going to happen to Donald Trump? This massive trade represents 6% of total shares and over 16% of the float, given Trump’s 60% ownership. Their $1B AUM makes this a significant bet. Austin Private Wealth is connected to the Bush family through James A. Baker III, a Senior Policy Director with longstanding ties to the Bushes, having served as Secretary of State under George H.W. Bush and in various roles under Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. George W. Bush has strongly shared his support AGAINST Trump despite everything happening in our country. While these connections don’t imply direct involvement, they highlight significant professional relationships.

Very strange! There no coincidences!

The Bush’s are one of the oldest Jooish families in America. Such wheeling and dealing shouldn’t surprise us.

Very extraordinary


Divine intervention.
Miracles do happen.


I never have seen this before! Holy crap!

Multiple Senators confront, demand answers and then chase down Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle in Milwaukee at the RNC.

Video was shared by Senator Marsha Blackburn.

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What is also amazing is that the shooter got off 8 rounds, 3 of which were mere inches of Trump’s head. I also heard that many people in the crowd reported seeing a second shooter. That would make sense considering that a 20 year would not be capable of pulling off such a sophisticated operation where he got help. He could have been used as a Diversion suggesting this was an inside job!

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