🚨BREAKING: President Joe Biden has Agreed to Withdraw from the Presidential Race 🚨

RFK screwed everything that moved he out fucked heels up ! I was never a Kennedy fan the entire clan reek of privilege and entitlement . They were bootleggers , mob connected , stock manipulators , Rapist , murders , and fuck them ALL .

Where is Joe Biden?

Guess he’s on vaca.

After pulling out of the presidential race Sunday, many political observers are asking, “Where’s Joe?”

After all, the pullout was highly irregular, with no camera appearances, no evidence of even involvement from Biden, no press conferences. There was just a written statement with a mechanized signature. Is the guy even alive? Is he in some kind of health distress? That he has staffers covering for him certainly sets off an alarm of sorts, given his dementia.

And more to the point, is this something he was forced into doing against his will? Some observers think so, saying he was muscled into exiting with a warning that the 25th Amendment was waiting for him if he didn’t. It sounds very mafia-like.

22 Monday July 2024 10:00 AM
Official Schedule The President receives the President’s Daily Brief
Closed Press 12:00 PM
Pool Call Time Out-of-Town Pool Call Time
Out-of-Town Pool

21 Sunday July 2024 Official Schedule On Sunday, the President has no public events scheduled.
Biden Beach House, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Out-of-Town Pool
12:00 PM
Pool Call Time Out-of-Town Pool Call Time
Biden Beach House, Rehoboth Beach, DE

Out-of-Town Pool 20 Saturday
July 2024 Official Schedule On Saturday, the President has no public events scheduled.
Biden Beach House, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Out-of-Town Pool 12:00 PM
Pool Call Time Out-of-Town Pool Call Time
Biden Beach House, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Out-of-Town Pool

19 Friday July 2024 Official Schedule The President has no public events scheduled.
Biden Beach House, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Out-of-Town Pool 12:00 PM
Pool Call Time Out-of-Town Pool Call Time
Biden Beach House, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Out-of-Town Pool

18 Thursday July 2024 Official Schedule The President has no public events scheduled
Biden Beach House, Rehoboth Beach, DEOut-of-Town Pool
12:00 PM
Pool Call Time Out-of-Town Pool Call Time
Biden Beach House, Rehoboth Beach, DE

Out-of-Town Pool

Biden’s not at the White House. He’s made no public appearance since a staffer took control of his X account and announced he was not running.

There’s no evidence Biden knows what happened today. Also: do we have any evidence Biden is even alive right now?

This is banana…

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) July 22, 2024

One would think that a letter to the American people from the president announcing his decision to step aside would not be signed using a digital signature and would be accompanied by a photo op and a scheduled conference in the morning that followed.

Instead we have a…

— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) July 22, 2024

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Is this illegal? Hmm? I have to wonder what Obama and others of the Democratic party just did, if the Seymour Hersch story holds out to be true, is treason?

It doesn’t matter where Biden is,
what he knows and what he does not know,
or how many Bidens there are.

Real Biden has been dead for several years.

Kamala Harris will be taken out of the race sooner or later, because she is not getting any “traction.”

What proof do you have that Biden has been dead for several years? There are lots of things we all assume to be the truth, but without proof they are just assumptions.

His face is completely different.
The difference is completely in your face, so to speak.

And yet another bullshit conspiracy theory , come out of your bunker .

The hypocritical bonanza of buffoonery is only made possible by the bedrock principle of politics in 2024 nobody actually believes anything.


Do you believe Didgevillage is actually an IT BOT ? :face_with_monocle: :astonished:

No I don’t think so, he is just divergent in his views than the mainstream ones.

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No, I don’t. l think he’s good poster
… I like most of what he posts and sometimes I have to do a little digging to see if I agree.

I have definitely learned quite a bit about the Jewish people from things he posts.

You better get new glasses so that you can see better.

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I don’t know if Biden is dead or not, but I have noticed differences in appearance and voice/mannerisms over the past 3+ years. I’m sure he has at least one double that stands in from time to time.

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Plus a very tall Biden who debuted last week.


I agree he makes some great points BUT some of his posts are way-way out there . Perhaps too many Bond and Mission Impossible movies .

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Divergent would to think in different ways. He thinks in 1 way only. Conspiracy nuts may have a different view but it never changes and is quite linear and predictable.

Most of the things he posts are unverifiable shit from conspiracy morons.

Despite all the name calling (due to jealousy), conspiracy theorists always prove to be right.

Some say conspiracy theorists are ahead of the pack by 5 months, 5 years or even 50 years. Wait and see.

That may be, but I have found that conspiracy theories are, a lot of times, rooted in truth. At the least, it makes me do some research to see if I agree or not.


Bottom line: Question everything.
Never trust the mainstream media.
(The worst thing they do: they mix truth and untruth.)

Never forget: Conspiracies make true history.
How did Jesus get crucified?
How did Caesar get killed? (Caesar of “Et tu Brute” fame)
How did the American Revolution start?
And the French and Russian Revolutions?
How did Hitler come to power?
Why did Richard Nixon have to resign?
How did NASA fake moon landing in1969?
etc etc