A claim you cannot possibly support.
The immigration courts are backlogged 7-8 years currently and the courts demand that these people be released pending their hearings.
A claim you cannot possibly support.
The immigration courts are backlogged 7-8 years currently and the courts demand that these people be released pending their hearings.
Release them into a planned community near Nome, Alaska. No need for a fence when they’re surrounded by hundreds of miles of “Nope!”
Trump made unrealistic promises in the first place, he’s just as complicit as those guys. Israel can have a wall, we can’t.
Blame the Muslims or the joos, it can’t be America’s fault!
More unsupportable ■■■ Hating Bull Shit.
Seriously, you people need to find a new meme’.
Until a few top politicians, who are against a secure border, have loved ones or friends killed by illegals, a secure border won’t be taken as seriously as it should be. KARMA must intervene. Strange things happen when you tempt fate.
It’s broken by design. They have no intention of fixing it either.
The Stormfront forums must be down.
That’s why they’re here.
If I were to classify the wierdest aspect of it all it is that it doesn’t matter if it’s the Muslims who are supposed to be serving the all-powerful ■■■ or those here decrying so much as a ■■■■■■ plot the things that they say are often so similar (I’m not even gonna bring up Screwy Louie again).
I bet there are Muslims who insist that whites who want to resist Islam are somehow a ■■■■■■ plot.
Meanwhile, the ■■■■ who are reputed to have so much potency still can’t seem to find minions that wouldn’t like to see them all dead. If I was part of some all powerful cadre I’d sure want minions without ideas on my person!
Mindboggling ain’t it? They are smart enough to run the entire world from behind the scenes but can’t even manage to deal with the “Palestinians” at home.
Go Figger!
Good, maybe it’ll stay down.
Hey ZPrag! Another one of your mindless alter egos no doubt!