The news site " Law and Crime" is Dan Abrams legal counsel, Legal Affairs, for ABC. His Wikipedia is a who’s who of leftist, propaganda. I don’t buy the story on it’s surface at all.
His other site…Abrams is essentially George Sorazz.
FBI to the rescue again. Bull Shit!
They find a nut job, send a controller in to wind him up and direct him, then they give him a truck with a fake bomb in it. They arrest him and save the world. This is their pattern. Look it up.
A few years back they busted a guy here in Ohio for trying to blow up a bridge with a fake bomb that they provided. The “bomb” wouldn’t have chipped the concrete off the 20’ X 20’ reinforced concrete base he was trying to blow up. They do this over and over again and people still fall for it.
All this “white nationalist”, “domestic terrorist” junk in this articles pegs it as leftist garbage, the guy is/was obviously a deranged kook! And just what the heck is a Ukrainian “right wing” terror organization anyway and who are they fighting against, could it be a Russian invasion!
It sounds like you got too much time on your hands and been watching too many Netflix reruns! (Joking)
So was this fake too?