Bombing Suspect Dies in Shootout with FBI

The news site " Law and Crime" is Dan Abrams legal counsel, Legal Affairs, for ABC. His Wikipedia is a who’s who of leftist, propaganda. I don’t buy the story on it’s surface at all.
His other site…Abrams is essentially George Sorazz.

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FBI to the rescue again. Bull Shit!

They find a nut job, send a controller in to wind him up and direct him, then they give him a truck with a fake bomb in it. They arrest him and save the world. This is their pattern. Look it up.

A few years back they busted a guy here in Ohio for trying to blow up a bridge with a fake bomb that they provided. The “bomb” wouldn’t have chipped the concrete off the 20’ X 20’ reinforced concrete base he was trying to blow up. They do this over and over again and people still fall for it.

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All this “white nationalist”, “domestic terrorist” junk in this articles pegs it as leftist garbage, the guy is/was obviously a deranged kook! And just what the heck is a Ukrainian “right wing” terror organization anyway and who are they fighting against, could it be a Russian invasion! :roll_eyes:


It sounds like you got too much time on your hands and been watching too many Netflix reruns! (Joking)

So was this fake too?