Black Nothings Exist

YOU are the most destructive smelly cunt on earth . What’s wrong is that fishy smell keeping the girl at bay ? :woman_zombie: :mask: :mask:

Im not one who joins in with personal attacks. I enjoy a good debate every now and then. Diversity in thought really intrigués me… I feel the most destructive force to our nation is the inability of individuals to understand that we can not fix a civilization by pointing fingers at others without first correcting ourselves and holding ourselves to standards that we would expect from others. When people stop asking what can my country do for me and start asking what they can do for our country… maybe then we can truly come together.

I may return personally attacks, of which I’m a target frequently, but I try to do it in a funny sort of way.

What did I tell you? LOL

Those who resort to personal attacks are either really dumb or they simply don’t know the difference between a debate and a personal attack. I prefer to think the former.

Hearing the news from South Africa recently, your idea seems like an impossible dream.
Civilized people there are being forced to deal with sheer savages.

Racism is the extremist idea that your family matters more than Amazon’s quarterly profits.

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Communities ae a result of their history. The history of whites in America is checkered. Some whites were privileged. Others who came later were hated and reviled. Catholics were not allowed to hold public office. And of course Jèws have always been hated by filthy antisemites.

The result? TODAY You have political diversity among whites, and you have a lot of stupid whites along with smart whites.

The history of blacks in America is slavery, and then after that no education and poverty.

The result? TODAY You have little diversity among blacks, and you have mostly dumb blacks.

BUT: That is changing. That sort of change comes very slowly. And we are seeing it today. I name a laundry list of great Americans who are black.

AND as Texashusker said though, it has nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with the shared history of a community.

So he is right: You need to not paint with a wide brush.

Because you are the expert on what people feel, right? Asshat

Right!! Now if someone wants to paint with a broad brush, there is your group: Each one is a sick degenerate, abominations is the eyes of God

You don’t know what you’re talking about. Our country, since after WW2 has been subverted into this global view which we now live in. There should be a new Nuremberg trial.

They change our flag, change our population, and call us racists for fighting it with gov sponsored NGO’s.

At this point, whites loving their own people is “hate”

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Are you saying that none of them were privileged but whites were? I guess you have no idea who the merchants who owned the slave ships were.


I was really just trolling her. Was hoping she would call me a bigot. :smiley: Gays are like the rest of the population, some sick puppies and some decent people. I sin way too much to throw stones at them but am entertained when they support Muslims that throw ACTUAL stones at them. :rofl:

Daily reminder that “hate speech” isn’t real and only exists as a term so that those in power can silence you from criticizing them.


I am 58 years old, voted for Reagan twice, I’m educated, and I DO know what I am talking about you little twit. I said, The history of whites in America is checkered, and I am 100% correct. Whether its the British colonizers, the Spanish colonizers on the west coast, the myriad immigrants over time . . . . some were privileged and some were hated. Don’t tell me I don’t know what I am talking about!

Catholics were hated from the beginning. Maryland was founded just so they could have equal rights. White immigrants in the early 1900’s were herded into ghettos. If you don’t know that then you don’t know shit.

My post stands as fact:

I said that “In America” whites have a checkered past, and the result is that today they cover a wide range of beliefs and educations levels, and I am saying that blacks in America have a common history of being uneducated and thats why so many are dumbasses today.

What I am trying to say is that American blacks are mostly asshats because of their history in America, not because of their skin color.

You are right to a point, but sodomizers are sick and sodomy is a mortal sin. A gay man can act polite to you, but in the end, any man who sticks his dick in another man’s ass is a filthy degenerate.

I agree 100%. :us: :us:

Well someone needs to tell the civil rights division ! In the past 25 years blacks have been placed in the very front of EVERY LINE !! They are first to gain entrance into college regardless of grades , first in line for jobs regardless of qualifications , first in line for government grants , first in line for contracts from the government even when they are NOT the lowest bidder . So where the hell is a white mans civil rights , why does color matter ? Why should a 25 year old black man have that advantage over a 25 year old white man if color doesn’t matter ? How much did the 25 year old suffer because of the 25 year old white mans existence ? Should there be exceptions for white immigrants ? How about black immigrants why should they gain an advantage over whites ? Does color make a difference ? I heard all the dumbass shit in defense of blacks and rarely hear taking RESPONSIBILITY for YOUR ACTIONS .


How many white Americans would trade places with KING JAMES , Tiger WOODS , Oprah WINFREY , J-Z , Snoopdogg , Man they have it tough !!! James whines like a 13 year old BITCH !!! Check their hourly wage rate . :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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The left literally pushes a narrative that white humans are essentially interchangeable with blacks while continuously enabling blacks to further extort and terrorize humans. The narrative which the left pushes today is one of the most dangerous and evil ideologies the world has ever seen even more so compared to even communism.

Assuming it’s true that whites have ruled the world, would you rather live in a world ruled by blacks?

Does Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia) ring a bell?
Or maybe Idi Amin?

The thing that whites and blacks have in common is humanity. There are good whites, bad whites. Good blacks, bad blacks. What do the bad ones have in common is what we should ask ourselves. When put in positions of power, they murder millions. Compare Germany, USSR, Cambodia, Sudan and many other nations. White people have murdered far more than black regimes but the single truth is that evil men cannot murder tens of thousands without being in charge of the military. This is why I’m a Conservative, small government guy. When liberalism takes charge of a nation, they starve and murder thousands if not millions in the name of “Progress”. The 20th century shows us exactly why we should side with limited government in the model of our nation’s Constitution. I don’t give a damn what color you are, evil men cannot be given power. It leads to mass murder. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and many more. In every case, they get in power promising government solutions to common problems. We should learn that lesson and stop allowing big government solutions or we could be the victims of the next Democide.

Would you rather be ruled by Stalin? Mao? Pol Pot? Hitler? The list is very long. One of the biggest mass murderers in history obtained power by demonizing ■■■■■ mainly because they were rich. We shouldn’t demonize any group as it dehumanizes them and leads people to be ok with it when they’re murdered and sent to prison camps. We should simply focus on small government and understand that all people are individuals. Some are good, some are bad. Stand up and knock the shit out of the bad ones before they obtain power.