Black Nothings Exist

Why did you quote PEW then?

It certainly appears that you’re defending the LIBERAL / MARXIST claim.

I’m defending the damn DATA… I could give a shit about their conclusion.

It’s my turn to LAMFAO.

What part of their conclusion is offensive to you?

He doesn’t have a choice, he is not American, he doesn’t pay American taxes and he certainly isn’t a register voter yet he opines like the internet jockey that he is on our politics and tells people (other Americans here) how they should vote. What is that again?

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Ha, know-it-alls can’t remain silent.

America has interfered with the affairs of over 100 nations in the world, overly and covertly, politically and militarily.

This resulted in the deaths of millions and millions of innocent civilians in these countries.

It is a matter of life and death (for the poor citizens of the world) who becomes President of the US. Trump wants the US military withdrawn and it’s a good thing.

However, it’s about time to prosecute those who actually pulled the triggers under the excuse “I was following the order” and brag about it.

All of this you learned while sitting in your worn frayed chair in a country that is not your own origin looking at a computer screen all day! Your self indulgence of internet sites feeding your addiction is more indicative of your obsessive compulsive disorders than knowing the actual truth. Just because you have an opinion doesn’t mean you get to tell us Americans how we should vote or play historical revisionist to suit your biased perspectives. Being objective is not in your lexicon and you already provided plenty of proof of that being true.

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I didn’t realize he wasn’t from the US but that certainly explains a lot.

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What are you laughing at? The data they report is accurate. Do you have a different source? You made a stupid ass statement and you were wrong, I did a brief search and clicked the first site with relevant numbers that are sourced back to the BJS. You laughing just looks like you’re unhinged. Don’t like the source? Go straight back to the BJS.

As to the conclusion, again, you’re just looking more and more idiotic. Where did I say I found their conclusions offensive? I don’t give a damn if they’re a liberal rag, so long as the data I’m looking for us present, sourced and accurate. I didn’t bother reading their conclusion, I was simply looking for data which is the best way to shut down racist dipshits such as yourself.

I think it’s clear you were wrong, it’s clear that you have a history of antisemitic posts and you’re trying to stoke racism. I’ll leave it here because there’s no point in wasting time with a clown that obviously can’t have a rational debate. You’re just a fucking troll. You’ve presented no accurate data and all you can seem to do is make stupid one line statements. You have a nice life and make sure you look in your closet, might be a ■■■■■■ monster in there.

How do you like their conclusion now?

You found yours.

Oh shut the fuck up. What WAS their conclusion?

Why the hell do you give a damn about US politics? I don’t give a rats ass about the politics wherever you live.

I already gave the reason why.

Just like the elusive “conclusion” you’re raving about, it’s worthwhile to read.

And another way of seeing the obvious is ,
White = 64% of US population has 436,000 in prison.
Hispanic = 24% of US population has 430,000 in prison
Black = 12% of US population has 478,000 in prison
Those are the numbers and they speak volumes . SORRY , you can chose to ignore them but it’s clear .
Also try walking in a black area at night and see how you are treated then . The most dangerous place to be in America at night is Martin Luther King Blvd in ANY US CITY !

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I still have dreams of killing “Skinny’s “ from my time in the Mog. I am Color blind and makes no difference to me, go ahead light my fire and see what you get!

Those numbers do not just work out like that in America its universal to Europe and Australia also East Asians always work out to be the least represented group in terms of criminal tendencies I believe the largest factors for this is IQ distribution but more importantly single parent households and cultural emphasis on education also hormone levels appear to play a role

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No one’s arguing that the rates of violence are higher. I’m simply arguing that running away from a black person because 1% commit crimes is silly.

Key Findings

  • African Americans are incarcerated in state prisons at a rate that is 5.1 times the imprisonment of whites. In five states (Iowa, Minnesota, New Jersey, Vermont, and Wisconsin), the disparity is more than 10 to 1.

  • In twelve states, more than half of the prison population is black: Alabama, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. Maryland, whose prison population is 72% African American, tops the nation.

  • In eleven states, at least 1 in 20 adult black males is in prison.

  • In Oklahoma, the state with the highest overall black incarceration rate, 1 in 15 black males ages 18 and older is in prison.

  • States exhibit substantial variation in the range of racial disparity, from a black/white ratio of 12.2:1 in New Jersey to 2.4:1 in Hawaii.

  • Latinos are imprisoned at a rate that is 1.4 times the rate of whites. Hispanic/white ethnic disparities are particularly high in states such as Massachusetts (4.3:1), Connecticut (3.9:1), Pennsylvania (3.3:1), and New York (3.1:1).



I will never run !!!

”Hispanics" include Puerto Ricans who are black in varying degrees. This is hardly talked about but there is a strict racial hierarchy: A pyramid consisting of white Puerto Ricans (No African genes) on top to the bottom of the pyramid where folks are very African.

Liberal and Marxist scholars always use poverty, lack of education, history of slavery, blah, blah to explain away the high crime rates among blacks in America.

As for education, why do black kids perform poorly in schools? Poverty?

Aren’t there other minorities who are very poor?
Wasn’t the white American middle class made poor in the days of communist FDR?

Sure, there are hard-working, law-abiding black citizens, but this shouldn’t cloud the issue.

When you compare poor white kid in trailer park X with poor black kid in inner city X, the crime rates, education rates, single parent households and incomes are very similar. The CAUSE isn’t that society has failed them, it’s that society has tried to coddle them. Welfare programs have caused massive damage in the attempt to help. That drives dependence on government, breaks up families to increase benefits and kills the individual drive to succeed. It’s the same world wide. The people that get off their ass and go earn a living do very well in capitalist countries and survive in socialist countries. The lazy and weak get coddled in western societies and end up living lives in crap conditions. The fun part is they blame the government for not doing more, when it’s actually a government induced problem. I’m not explaining their crime by using poverty and lack of education, I’m simply saying it’s the unintended consequence of welfare programs that create a generational dependence on government which leads to broken families… THOSE lead to crime, poverty, poor focus on education, etc.

Black kids in my neighborhood perform very well in schools. Why? Parents. They are middle class people that understand the value of teaching their kids work ethic. The education and grades are really not what makes educated people successful, it’s the work ethic that it took to get that education. College educated people typically earn higher salaries but it’s simply a reflection of their work ethic, not the amazing amount of knowledge they picked up at school. Hell, I won’t let a typical engineer TOUCH a system until they have 2-3 years of experience in the oil field and have learned their job.

Isn’t it interesting that in the 20’s, before FDR, the single parent rates among black Americans was about 20%. Today, trillions of dollars later, hundreds of programs later, in a mostly post racist world, the black single parent rate is over 70%. The 30% that have dual parent households have very similar poverty, education and crime rates to the white community (that has almost a 70% dual parent household rate). On the other hand, single parent households among white Americans have very similar poverty, education and crime rates to the black single parent families.

The ONLY way to fix this crap is to drive it into people’s heads that if you get married before you have kids, finish high school and get a job, your kids won’t have to live in poverty and government CANNOT do that for you. It’s a personal choice. The black community has a major problem right now and it’s not because black people are violent, it’s because there’s a culture that’s broken. We have to stop feeling sorry for minorities and give them a kick in the ass. They’re just as capable as we are of earning a living. When the coddling ends, the single parent household rates will start to drop and that will have a knock on effect of improving conditions among those communities.

The reason I’m so long winded and angry about this issue is I’m sick and tired of people blaming it on being black and not placing the blame where it belongs… BAD GOVERNMENT POLICY. It cannot be fixed by focusing on the color of the skin of the criminals. It can only be fixed by putting the focus on the root cause. We keep changing the fuse with a bigger fuse and ignoring the fact that there’s an electrical short in the house. If we keep doubling down on stupid, we’re going to burn the fucking thing to the ground. It’s important we speak the truth and fix the damn short before it kills us as a nation.